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My Lord Immortality (Immortal Rogues #3)

Page 16

On this occasion she did not give her reckless streak an opportunity to protest. She had tasted the fire. She could only hope that she had not yet become addicted.

"Good night, Sebastian."

He briefly lowered his head to brush a kiss over her forehead before pulling away.

"Good night, my dear."

Sebastian watched Amelia hurry through the garden with a wrenching sense of loss.

He had known from the moment she had entered the garden that he should leave. He had only been at the house to ensure that there were no unwelcome visits from Drake. And, of course, to keep an eye open for the mysterious vampire who had attacked him in the stables.

He had not expected to have Amelia make a sudden appearance. And certainly he had not expected her to so easily slip beneath his stern self-control.

Still, he was all too aware that his passions ran far too hot during the silky darkness of the night. And combined with his growing awareness of the maiden, it had been the makings of a disaster from the beginning.

Yes, he should have left, he acknowledged as he thrust his hands through his mussed hair. But deep within his logical self-reproach there remained a shimmering pleasure that refused to regret the interlude.

The deepening bonds that were being woven between the two of them had only intensified the passions that threatened to blaze out of control. Each sensation was shared. Each need echoed within the other.

But beyond that was the more dangerous realization that she was beginning to consume more than just his passions. He admired that bright, impetuous nature. The staunch courage that she revealed in establishing her own home. And the tender care that she devoted to her brother.

She was a rare, sometimes aggravating minx who continually rattled him out of his stoic existence.

Lost in thought, Sebastian barely had time before the familiar prickle of warning raced over his skin In one sweeping motion he had reached beneath his jacket to remove the deadly dagger and turned to confront the golden-haired vampire regarding him with mocking disdain.

"So very touching, Sebastian."


Taking a step closer, the vampire allowed his icy gaze to flick over Sebastian.

"You know, you are an insult to all vampires," he drawled. "'Tis embarrassing enough that you do not feast upon such a delectable morsel, but to actually turn aside her obvious desire to be ravished is shameful."

Sebastian lifted the dagger before swiftly regaining his composure. No. He could not allow himself to be goaded. He needed his wits sharply clear. This vampire was a traitor. And perhaps was in league with the deadly attacker who had so readily used forbidden methods. One moment of distraction and he might be destroyed.

Leaving Amelia alone to face the desperate renegade.

An unbearable thought.

"Thankfully, the majority of vampires have gained command of their more savage impulses,"

he retorted in cold tones.

Drake gave a rasping laugh. "Fah. They have become spineless eunuchs."

"You believe scavenging in dark alleys like an animal is a superior existence?"

The overly pretty features abruptly hardened at Sebastian's well-aimed thrust.

"Scavenging? You fool. I have been gaining power. Powers that are a vampire's right. Would you care for a taste of my newfound strength?"

Sebastian shrugged a shoulder. "You do not frighten me, Drake."

"That is because you do not know what you face." A hard smile touched the thin lips. "Soon enough you will be eager to join me."

Drake's decided edge of smugness made Sebastian Abruptly still. He had always been arrogant and certain of his superiority over all. But Sebastian sensed that now it was more than mere arrogance.

He slowly narrowed his gaze. "Because of the mysterious renegade who assists you?"

Abruptly realizing that he had perhaps given more away than he had intended, Drake determinedly returned the sneer to his face. That in itself was enough to convince Sebastian that the vampire was well aware of the mysterious assailant.

"I need no assistance. Certainly not to overcome one of your pathetic abilities."

So, he wished to deny the connection. Perhaps there was something here that he could use to his advantage.

With an effort, Sebastian managed a faint smile. "Clearly your cohort is not so confident in your glorious powers. He attempted to take matters into his own hands."

Drake could not hide his shock. "You were attacked?"

"Yes. Perhaps you should keep a closer leash upon the villain if you wish to be the one to better me."

It took a moment before Drake was turning away to hide his expression. "Perhaps your brothers have come to the same conclusion as myself and have decided you are an appalling specimen for a vampire."

"Or perhaps your fellow traitor has decided he does not desire to share the powers of the Medallion."

With a growl, Drake whirled back to face Sebastian with deadly anger. "I should kill you now."

Sebastian held the dagger ready. "You are welcome to try."

"You believe that absurd dagger will save you?"

"We shall soon discover," Sebastian retorted with grim determination.

Drake hesitated, seemingly debating within himself before giving a harsh laugh.

"You tempt me, Sebastian, but luckily for you I have more pressing concerns this night.

Consider this a gift. On the next occasion I will not be so kindly disposed."

Sebastian regarded him steadily, forcing himself to put aside his fear for Amelia and even his lingering fury at being so ruthlessly attacked. This was a vampire. A brother.

"And then what? Drake, you are not unintelligent, Nefri and the other vampires will never allow you to gain command of the Medallion."

A snarl twisted the handsome features. "They will have no choice."

"No." Sebastian gave a slow shake of his head. "You fight a losing battle. Still, it is not too late to give up this madness and return to the Veil."

"I am no eunuch." He stepped back, his arrogance shimmering in the air about him. "You may be satisfied with your cold bed and dusty books, but I am destined for far greater rewards."

There was a sudden chill in the breeze before Drake was abruptly shape-shifting into a dark shadow that disappeared down the lane in the blink of an eye.

Sebastian made no effort to follow the renegade. He knew where to find his lair, if the time became necessary. Instead he remained standing at the edge of the garden with a frown upon his brow.

There was something he was missing, he realized with a pang of aggravation at his unusual lack of perception. Drake was always overly confident and certain of his powers. Even behind the Veil. But whatever his arrogance, he was not without some sense.

Why was he willing to risk utter destruction when he must know that there would be others who hastened to stop him? He could not battle every vampire. Not even with the Medallion.

So what did he know that Sebastian didn't?

And what did it have to do with his mysterious companion?

And how dangerous was it not knowing the answer to those questions?

Chapter Seven

Drake paced the cramped cottage with quick, restless steps. He was furious. More than furious.

He was no dupe, he told himself savagely. Nor was he a fool.

When he had left the Veil it was clearly understood that it would be his task to retrieve the Medallion. As well as to put a stop to Sebastian, or any of the other vampires, if they should stand in his path.

To have this sudden interference was unbearable. And more than a bit suspicious.

If the plans had changed he should have been consulted. He would not be left dangling as bait while the prize was snatched from beneath his very nose.

Oh no, he would not tolerate such blatant interference.

He turned about and abruptly froze. The approaching sense of the vampire was filling the dark, dank air and Drake swiftly smoothed his hands over his fine emerald jacket. It was about bloody time, he seethed. He had been waiting at this hideous cottage for near three hours.

Holding himself steady, he watched the fog thicken and swirl beneath the door, shimmering in the darkness with an evil glow of its own.

"At last..." he began to complain, only to have his words roughly choked off as the fog reached out to wrap about his neck. For long, agonizing moments he was held in its ruthless grip, his feet actually leaving the dusty floor before at last he was tossed disdainfully against a wall.

"Never," the fog rasped, "never summon me in such a manner again."

With painful movements, Drake forced himself back to his feet, his fury now mixed with fear.

How he longed to put an end to this vampire, he seethed with black hatred. A slow, torturous end.

"I had to speak with you," he said in a tone roughened by his aching throat.

The fog stirred the dust restlessly upon the floor. "You risked exposing my presence to Nefri, you dolt. Not to mention alerting the Great Council that I have discovered a means of traveling through the Veil undetected."

Drake clenched his hands at his side. Dolt? No one called him a dolt.

"It would not have been necessary had you not lied to me."

The words seemed to ring in the air for a nerve-wracking moment before the fog shifted in a foreboding manner.

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