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My Lord Immortality (Immortal Rogues #3)

Page 12

Keeping a careful watch on the fog that continued to move ever closer, Sebastian once again attempted to determine who it was that stalked ever nearer. A frown marred his brow as he sensed nothing but emptiness in the fog. It was as if it were no more than an illusion.

Which was ridiculous. He had distinctly perceived the presence of a vampire. It was here.


Clenching the dagger in his hand, he heard nothing but his own shallow breathing. Nothing until there was a faint scrape behind him. Attempting to turn, he was halted as a sudden, searing pain abruptly flared through his body.

With a gasp of agony, Sebastian fell to his knees. From behind, someone was relentlessly stabbing him with a sharp blade, the steel digging deep into his body and twisting before being wrenched out and thrust in again. He attempted to twist away but the blade followed. Over and over it bit into his flesh, the sheer savagery of the attack nearly overwhelming.

Through a haze, Sebastian could feel the hot, sticky flood of blood seeping over his skin, and worse, his strength was being ruthlessly drained away.

He had to do something. And soon.

Ignoring the white blaze of agony, Sebastian leaned forward until his hands touched the dirt.

He was care-ful to keep a grip on the dagger; then, with a grim effort, he kicked his leg out behind him. His foot connected solidly with a leg and he was rewarded by the sound of a muffled grunt.

He would not go quietly, he promised himself. Once again he kicked out, but with frustrating speed/his attacker managed to slip to one side.

Realizing his danger, Sebastian attempted to angle his head away from the vampire, but his movements were sluggish and a heavy object connected with his skull with rattling force. The world went momentarily dark before he forced himself back toward the pain that throbbed relentlessly. No. He had to remain conscious. If he were to be overcome, then Amelia would he helpless.

He sensed the mysterious attacker had once again lifted his arm to strike another blow and with sheer desperation he flung himself to one side. At the same moment a sound from the doorway of the stable echoed through the air.

Having sacrificed the last of his fading energy, Sebastian could do nothing to stop the villain from attacking him, nor the intruder. Instead he could only lie upon the hard ground as he rasped agonized breaths.

Inwardly, he cursed his weakness, but he knew he could do nothing. Without rest to restore his strength he was as helpless as a babe.

Barely keeping the darkness at bay, Sebastian vaguely heard the sounds of approaching footsteps and the dry hiss of an indrawn breath. A part of him awaited the blow that would send him into oblivion; at the same time, he ludicrously clutched the dagger as if he hoped the fool would conveniently lie down next to him so he could stab him.

He supposed that time passed, although it was difficult to determine with his head filled with fog. Then, soft and comforting hands touched his face.

"Sebastian, can you hear me?" a husky female voice whispered near his ear.

He lifted his head, only to discover that his right eye had swollen shut.

"Who is it?"


A sigh was wrenched from his burning throat. He was saved. The ancient vampire was by far the most powerful of all. Even without the Medallion. None would challenge her.

He did not know what had brought her to the abandoned stables, but he had never been more relieved in his Immortal life.

He coughed, the bitter taste of blood filling his mouth. "Forgive me for not rising," he said wryly.

"Be at ease, my dear." The elder vampire gave a disapproving click of her tongue as her hands ran lightly over his battered body. "Without the Medallion, I can not heal you properly."

Sebastian opened his one eye to assure her that he only needed rest when a searing heat abruptly raced through his blood. His teeth clenched in shock and his legs jerked. He felt as if he were being roasted from the inside out. Then, as swiftly as the heat had struck, it was fading.

Surprisingly, Sebastian discovered the throbbing aches had muted to a near-bearable level, and that he was even capable of rising to a sitting position. Standing, however, was still out of the question.

"That is better," he murmured. "Thank you."

"Just remain here for a bit. You must give yourself time to recover."

As the darkness receded, Sebastian began to regain a portion of his shattered wits. With Nefri near, there was little to fear. Still, he wanted to ensure that he was not about to face another savage attack.

"The vampire ... he is gone?"

Nefri shifted so that she was kneeling within view of his undamaged eye. He was rather surprised to discover she was attired in a bright, patched skirt and the loose blouse generally associated with a Gypsy. Her silver hair hung about her shoulders and her arms were covered with numerous bracelets. It was her expression, however, that at last captured and held his attention. Even in the shadows, he could tell that it was troubled.

"Yes, he is gone."

"It was odd. I could sense his presence, but not his identity. He is very powerful."

Nefri nodded slowly. "And very dangerous. Whoever this is, he has called upon ancient powers that have been forbidden."

Sebastian swallowed a curse. His return to London was proving to be complicated enough without the added distraction of a vampire using dark powers.

"Do you know who it is?"

"No. I do fear, however, that he is determined to claim the Medallion."

Medallion. Sebastian's heart came to a frozen halt as he recalled the reason he had left his home in the first place.

"Amelia," he breathed in anxious tones.

Nefri gave a rueful nod of her head. "Yes. While you were being lured to these stables, she was confronted by Drake."

Instinctively he attempted to rise, only to fall back to his knees as a wave of dizziness rushed through him.


A gnarled hand reached out to touch his shoulder. "Do not fear. She is safely returned home."

He exhaled a sharp breath of relief, although his expression remained tight with concern. The woman was going to drive him to madness. To even think of her being in the company of Drake while he was incapable of rushing to her rescue was enough to make his stomach clench and the throbbing in his head increase to a nearly unbearable level.

"She is ... difficult," he muttered in disgust.

The elder vampire lifted her brows. "She possesses the spirit necessary to protect the Medallion, I will agree."

"Oh yes, she possesses a wretched amount of spirit," he swiftly agreed, his hand reaching to touch the deep gash on his temple. "Unfortunately, she has no notion of the danger she courts so blithely."

Nefri tilted her head to one side, as if considering his words.

"I believe she senses the danger, but she is a woman who feels a very deep sense of loyalty.

One cannot fault her for such a commendable trait."

Oh no? At the moment, Sebastian would willingly do more than fault her stubborn sense of loyalty. What good would such a wondrous trait do her if she were to be killed?

"That loyalty might very well endanger the Medallion," he retorted, not at all prepared to admit that his frustration was more in fear for Amelia than the anc ient artifact. "She will do whatever is necessary to keep her brother safe. Including handing her amulet to Drake if she had to."

Nefri regarded him with a steady gaze. "There is that danger, certainly."

He growled impatiently. "Then why do you leave the Medallion with her?"

A faint smile touched the lined countenance. "You must understand—the Medallion is more than mere metal. It has been imbued with blessings that allow it to bestow powers upon the one who has it. In return, however, the Medallion takes on the qualities of whoever possesses it.

Goodness or evil. Love or hate. That is why I chose Miss Hadwell. For her courage and ability to care so deeply for her brother. It is also why it is so important to stop the traitors. In the wrong hands, the power of the Medallion would be terrible indeed."

Sebastian frowned. As a scholar he had, of course, studied the Medallion. He understood the history and the powers. He had even managed to unravel the complex spell that had been used to create the Veil with the assistance of the Medallion. Still, he had not truly considered the artifact's ability to echo the qualities of who might possess it.

Nefri had clearly considered the maidens she had chosen to bond with the amulets. He could hardly ptotest her choice simply because he was becoming far too attached to Amelia.

He heaved an unconscious sigh. "Then perhaps it should be another who is sent to protect Miss Hadwell."

The vampire blinked in surprise. "Why?"

"I have managed to do no more than prod her into foolish behavior. She does not trust me."

Her unwavering gaze regarded him for a long moment. "I believe that you underestimate yourself, Sebastian," she at last said softly. "You possess a quiet, studious nature, but your strength is undeniable. Miss Hadwell will turn to you in her time of need."

Sebastian unconsciously grimaced, recalling the harsh words that he had exchanged with Amelia only a few hours earlier.

"I fear she is more likely to believe she is capable of facing any danger on her own. She is extraordinarily fearless."

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