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My Little Farm Girl

Page 98

Before I’d found her, I could find ways to assuage those feelings, to push them aside. But now that my cock knew she was somewhere breathing nothing else would do but to fuck her in that special way when I got like this.

I was waiting for her to reach her limit, to get to that point where it was too much, or she’d had enough. So far it hadn’t happened. Like I’d told her, I don’t like safe words, that’s considered dangerous in the world of BDSM, but that’s where I parted ways with the lifestyle.

I didn’t like this new way of approaching it like a weekend retreat, something you took off and put on at will.

I wouldn’t dare impose my will on others, or try to tell them how to live their lives and live out their fantasies, but for me, and the woman I was going to spend the rest of my life with, this was as real as it fucking gets.

Twenty four seven all day all night ‘til death do us part; I couldn’t imagine not being in control of her one hundred percent of the time.

It was for this reason that I hadn’t taken her to see her parents as yet though I knew she was longing to see them.

I didn’t want to risk breaking that bond so soon, or putting her in the position that would make her uncomfortable.

I know the day will come when she wouldn’t even have to think of it, but I didn’t think we’d reached there yet.

She took everything I dished out and looked for more. I won’t claim to know all there was to know about her, that’s just stupid, but I know enough and I’m learning more each day.

She craves my attention, not just sexual contact, but in all ways. My praise makes her light up and I give her plenty of it often. I’m very conscious of her low self-image and have been working to build that up, but having her face plastered all over the place has been helping with that as well.

She’s flourished under my hands and I am left with the task of making sure that the sweet little farm girl that I’d picked up at that train station was not lost, I never want to lose that girl, she’s the one I fell in love with after all.

She has been getting offers from other parties but she leaves that up to me to take care of and since I have to intentions on sharing her ever, the answer is always no. She hasn’t mentioned acting classes in a while and I feel confident enough that it that were something she was truly interested in she’d let me know.

I didn’t hide the fact that I was turning down offers on her behalf, I just simply explained to her that I had no interest in having my woman running from country to country modeling I preferred to have her home under me whenever I needed her. The choice was clear, there was no room for misunderstanding.

She knew her place was with me, so there was no grumbling about a lost chance at a career. Besides, she knew me well enough by now to know that I wouldn’t let her go anyway. And she still had her gig with my company to keep her busy a couple months a year.

Marion in the time we’d been here had been too busy trying to get her own life back on track it seems to pay much attention to ours. There hadn’t been any more attempts at sabotage from that corner and though I was not too pleased to learn that Josh had come to L.A. to work on this end of the campaign as well I let it slide. Her security detail hadn’t mentioned anything untoward, and she seemed to be enjoying herself so I left well enough alone.


That last night there was a welcome party for the models and the rest of the staff. I realized that if she followed this career path my life would be an unending round of social gatherings and get-togethers, which wasn’t high on my list of priorities. Thank goodness I had other plans for her future because I hated these fucking things.

Once again, I picked out her outfit for the evening. It wasn’t a formal affair so I chose a pair of linen evening slacks and a silk blouse with ballet flats. I figured she’d had enough of running around in heels in the last few weeks anyway.

We spent an hour in the playroom to let off some steam before making love for hours before it was time to leave. She had a nice mellow glow about her as we left as the sun was setting over the water in Malibu. Her radiance from the hot fucking she’d only just had not ten minutes ago plus the nice tan she’d picked up here in her downtime when she practically lived on the beach was almost blinding.

“You look very well fucked Kitten.” I teased a blush out of her as we sat in the car on the way downtown. “Do you know why I fucked you again right inside the door while the driver waited?”

She shook her head as her breath hitched. “Because I wanted my scent on you. I want every male who comes within feet of you to know that you’re owned in the most primal way.” I nuzzled her neck and licked my latest mark as she squirmed and tried to climb into my lap.

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