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My Little Farm Girl

Page 6

“Well it’s my good deed for the year, plus it looks good if people know that I reach back and help others in need.

You know they’re doing that story about me in the times and giving me that award; and what better way to drum up some good publicity than to let the world see how charitable I am. Besides I need this after the lies that hag told about me when I had to fire her.”

“Which hag would that be?”

“Don’t be cute Callan. Anyway this little plum fell into my lap just at the right time. How could I say no? I’ll have her here until she realizes that every little hayseed from the sticks doesn’t have a Hollywood rags to riches story and then she’ll be on her way.”

“You really are a piece of work.” That’s why I’d called it quits with her a month or so ago. She might be nice to look at, but once you get to know her she’s…well she’s a stone cold bitch.

I maybe could’ve overlooked her shallow, overbearing and pushy ways, if it wasn’t for the fact that she tried to dominate me in and out of bed. That was never gonna happen, so why prolong the agony?

I’d told her that it wasn’t going to work out between us, and though she’d taken the news rather well, I’d seen the look of fury that had flashed through her eyes a split second before she covered it.

I wouldn’t want to be one of her subordinates, I’d heard the stories and was more than convinced that they were true, but she’d always known better, even at her worst, not to fuck with me.

“Well we can be friends still can’t we?” that was her comeback as we sat in the restaurant where I’d taken her that last night to break things off. I didn’t want a scene and wasn’t interested in recriminations.

Her last stunt had been the last straw for me. I’d told her I wasn’t interested in something and she’d tried to make an end run around me then tried to play it off. I don’t have time for games and if you can’t trust the woman you’re fucking, well then, you ought not be fucking her.

I’d done things as amicably as I could, since there was still a working relationship of sorts, and I didn’t need the headache; but no amount of pleading on her part had been able to sway me.

Once my mind’s made up, it’s pretty much a done deal, and not even the formidable Marion Chester could get me to move from my stance.

She’d called me up last minute after a couple weeks of no contact to go pick the kid up, and I knew it was one of her power plays. She was trying to see if she could still get me to dance to the beat of her drum.

The only reason I’d done it was because I had this vision of some poor orphan Annie standing in Penn Station, lost and alone, while that human succubus left her there all night.

I wouldn’t put it past her to do something like that and the thought of it, even though I didn’t know this girl whoever she was, was too much even for a hard ass like myself.

From the description Marion had given me though, I’m sure this is not at all what she’d been expecting.

The girl walking beside me was no orphan Annie and she was no hayseed either.

She might have that wholesome look about her, with her flawless skin and that hair that made me think of sinful things, but she was far from the bucktooth frump that Marion thought her to be. Have mercy on whoever fed her that misleading information.

I watched her out the side of my eye as we headed out of the station. Nope, she wasn’t at all what I’d been expecting, that ass alone was worth the ride to the train station.

Calm the fuck down Cal she’s a kid; you’re too old for her. Besides you were fucking her aunt a month ago.

‘Yeah, but she’s not really her aunt remember?’ shut up you. My dick likes to have his say when he thinks I’m being stupid, he’s landed me in more trouble than I like to remember.

I wasn’t sure what, if anything I should do, it wasn’t my problem after all; but I know Marion, this girl is everything she hates. She’s young, gorgeous and sweet; the trifecta, that will be like a stake through Marion’s black heart.

She hates the fact that she’s getting old, though thirty-five is far from old, and any female more beautiful than she, was considered an enemy.

There is no way she was going to be able to live with this girl for more than a day, further more a few months, or however long she thought it would take before she could safely send her packing without looking like the bitch that she is.

“Have you eaten sweetheart?” I looked over at her as I threw her bags in the trunk. She hadn’t said a word since we left the station, but I could see from the way she looked around at the hustle and bustle of the city and the bright lights, that she was entranced.

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