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My Little Farm Girl

Page 54

I broke off the kiss with soft nibbles around her lips while pulling on her nipples again. “Have you ever seen a man’s cock before Kitten?” Her face reddened and I wondered at the contrast between her body language and her reaction to the question.

“No, I saw my brothers when we were little but that’s all.”

“So you’ve never seen sex before.” She hedged at that question and I became intrigued.

“Not the way you mean, no.” Her voice was back to being shy and I could’ve sworn she squirmed. “How exactly did you see it then?” I kept massaging her tits as we spoke, running my hands down her middle to her pussy as I stood over her head.

“Well, daddy has animals on the farm and they…you know, sometimes and I saw them once but it scared me so I ran away.”

“What exactly did you see Kitten?”

“Do I have to say? It’s really embarrassing talking about this stuff.” I stopped my hands’ movements on her body and ordered her to look at me. “Look at me Kitten.” Her eyes finally moved up to mine after a brief struggle with herself.

“There’s nothing that you can’t share with me, ever. In the future you will answer me without reservations understood?”

“Yes Callan.”

“Now tell me, what did you see?”

“It was, mating season…”

“How old were you?” I took back up running my hands over her front barely able to reach the top of her clit from this angle after lowering the table’s arms back down to the sides.

“Twelve. Daddy didn’t know I was peeking into the stalls, I was supposed to be in the barn on the other side doing chores, but when I heard the mare…she sounded like she was in pain. I just wanted to help her. But when I got there daddy and the mare’s owner were standing there and daddy was holding Black Angus’ lead and he was, he was…”

Her breath hitched and she broke off, I could only imagine what came next but I bid her to go on. “Go on.”

“He was standing behind her and trying to climb on top of her back and then he…they started coupling and daddy and Mr. Johnson were congratulating each other and saying what a good job the horses were doing and that’s how I knew that those noises didn’t mean he was hurting her.”

“How did it make you feel seeing that?” If possible her face grew even redder and unbeknownst to her she was moving more firmly against my hand, seeking more than the soft brush of my fingertip against her clit.

“I don’t know, I don’t…”

“Don’t lie to me Kitten, of course you remember how you felt. You were young and impressionable. It must’ve had an impact on you. Did you ever tell anyone else what you saw that day?”

“Oh no, I couldn’t. I would’ve just died if anyone knew.”

“Tell me, did you turn around and leave right away?”

“No, I… it was as if I couldn’t move. I just stood there and watched. I was hidden so daddy couldn’t see me. I watched the whole thing.” Her voice dropped off in shame. Poor kid.

“How did it make you feel Kitten?”

“I don’t know honest; it was very confusing, I felt… I felt hot and flushed and, dirty.” The last was barely above a whisper. By now, I had started lowering the head of the table preparing for my next move. I knew the conversation was having an affect on her as it was on me.

“Why did you feel dirty baby?”

“I…” she stopped short when she realized her new position put her mouth in close proximity to my cock and her eyes flew up to mine.


“Because it made me want to do things.” I rubbed my cock across her lips spreading my pre-cum over them. “Open…wider.” She opened her mouth and touched her lips to my cockhead making it jump.

“Lick the top just as you would an ice cream cone.” Her little tongue came out and licked me. The hum she made in her throat was my first warning. Before I could give her farther instruction she was taking my glans in her mouth.

“Fuck.” She was a natural, the way she enjoyed having my cock in her mouth she wasn’t just doing this because I was asking her to, but because she actually enjoyed it.

Had it not been for her obvious inexperience at handling my cock, I would’ve sworn she’d done this before. I started a slow back and forth into her soft sweet mouth, not going too deep at first. From this angle, I could really hurt her if I went too fast but the way she was making love to my cock it was hard not to grab her head and pull her onto my cock until I was lodged in her throat.

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