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My Little Farm Girl

Page 25

I’d sweated over that while I was away from her with no means of contact, that’s why I’d set things in place while I was gone to ensure that no one got close.

At least I’d tried to, but Marion had stood in the way of that. Unbeknownst to her, she’d done an even better job of keeping my Kitten well preserved and out of the clutches of any other predatory males that may have picked up her scent.

In the end, her insufferable attitude had played well into my plans. Not that I appreciated the hell my poor little Kitten must’ve endured, being closed off in that apartment with the vulture night after night, with nothing else to do and no means of escape. But that too was almost at an end.

“Well I’m sure a burger is okay every once in a while, but you should try to eat healthier, not to lose weight or any of that other hogwash, you’re perfect as you are. But it’s good to eat healthy.”

“Okay so what should I have?”

I hid my smile behind the menu as I pretended to be looking for an answer for her.

“How about a nice Caesar with grilled salmon.” I folded the menu and put it aside as she did the same.

“I’ll try that.”

Damn, I’d forgotten what kind of affect her easy acquiescence had on me.

Chapter 6

Over lunch I prodded her, and the more I questioned, the more convinced I became that I was on the right track.

What were the odds that the woman I detested so strongly would lead me to the one I would want most to possess?

Truth truly is stranger than fiction. With every word, every gesture, she sunk herself deeper and deeper. It was as if she’d been made just for me. Her every action was designed to feed my wants, my needs.

She was a born submissive, though I doubt she even knew what that was, it just came naturally to her. And I needed to dominate, to possess completely, regardless of society’s hang-ups.

Those bells were going off in my head again and I wanted nothing more than to reach across the table and drag her mouth to mine.

Better think of something else here Callan, something other than pulling her around to your side of the booth and running your hand up under her skirt. Maybe I’ll try that later, after I’d staked my claim. I can’t wait.

“Tomorrow I’ll pick you up around nine, we have a long day so dress comfortably.”

She looked down at the too tight top she wore over the knee length skirt. I’m sure she found them lacking, for me it was just something else that I would take care of. She was like a blank canvas, unmolded clay, and I can’t wait to get my hands on her.

It was a wonder that I could sit there so patiently, when all I really wanted was to lock her away somewhere for the next five or six hours and bury myself so deep in her that she forgot where she ended and I begun.

All in due time; I had a lot to do as well, now that I’d found her. My one last stumbling block was getting her away from Marion.

I knew that the trip to L.A. and Europe would take care of that temporarily, but it wasn’t in me to knowingly leave her at the mercy of someone who bore her no true love.

Although she knew nothing of my intentions, she was mine; mine to protect and shield from everyone and everything.

I hadn’t come up with a way to do it yet though. I didn’t necessarily want her living on her own in the city, but neither could I just move her in with me right away; or could I? we’ll see how it goes. Either way, I wanted her where I could get to her whenever I wanted to, and her present arrangements were not ideal for that.

“Are you finished with your lunch Kitten?” shit, I hadn’t meant to call her that, not yet anyway.

“Why did you call me that?” What should I tell her? that she was my pet, that already in my mind I was her master and she was my little kitty? Yeah right! She’d think you’d lost your fucking mind, which you very well might have.

“It’s your hair, it reminds me of this tabby cat I once owned as a child.” At least that much was true.

The answer seemed to please her; then again everything seemed to. I had the sudden hope that she would never change, that all the fuss of the upcoming weeks and her entrée into the limelight wouldn’t change one iota about her. What was I thinking? It was up to me to see that it didn’t, and I was more than up to the job.


I hated like hell leaving her at the end of the day, but at least I’d made progress. She was so attuned to me already, to my touch, that when I ran my little experiment on the way out of the restaurant, she’d fallen nicely into my trap. I’d purposely kept my hand away from the small of her back.

I didn’t miss the way she looked for it, or the crestfallen look on her face when she noticed I had it stuffed in my pants pocket.

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