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My Little Farm Girl

Page 102

“Yes but there were stipulations. My aunt and uncle would raise me as theirs giving her the chance to go out in the world and follow her dreams. I was to be told the truth by a certain age and she was supposed to come back for me when she became a success. She never looked back.

When I found out the truth at sixteen I started plotting then. I did good in school, even went on to her alma mater.

I studied everything there was to know about her so I could one day destroy her. You see, the aunt and uncle grew tired of taking care of the unwanted whelp and they started taking out their frustrations on me.

I blamed her for every kick, every punch, and every time I was sent off to bed without supper.

Then I found out about Gaby, funny we grew up one town apart and never met. I didn’t let on to her that we had anything in common.

I just wanted to get close to her, to see why it was that my own mother who had abandoned me, was wiling to take her in and give her a shot. It was easy enough getting the job, I did some modeling in college and the rest is history.

Only, after meeting Gaby I couldn’t hurt her. Do you know she refuses to say a bad word about that bitch even after everything she tried to do to her?

The girl is one in a million, if she wasn’t so stupid over you I would’ve maybe given it a shot after all.”

He gave me a cheeky grin and I found it hard not to return it. “Does your, does Marion know that you’re here?”

“Nope, and the night of the party at the Plaza I walked right up to her and struck up a conversation and she had no clue who I was.

I almost let the cat out of the bag when she started hitting on me though; that shit creeped me out.”

“How did you find out about Marion and Gabriella?”

“My aunt told me, apparently her mother can’t stop singing my bitch mother’s praise about how she was going to help her little girl become a star. My aunt was not amused as you can imagine.

So I hotfooted it here from Cali to see what was going on. It was way ahead of schedule, but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity.

Imagine my surprise when I heard through the grapevine that she was a rank bitch to the girl.

I hadn’t met Gaby yet of course, but from what I’d heard she was a pretty nice girl.”

“And who told you that?”

“I can’t tell you all my secrets now can I?”

“So you came here to what, destroy your mother?”

“Oh please, don’t call that female that. I know dogs that have more mothering instincts.”

“Why not just confront her with the truth once you got here, why all this sneaking around?”

“Because that’s too easy, I want her to pay. Yes she was young when she had me, but she made promises and she made something of herself yet she never once looked back I was a distant memory to her if that.

She didn’t care about me, not one card or a phone call; how do you think that made me feel as a kid? And then to hear that she’s helping someone else, someone not much younger than I, it was a slap in the face.

And my aunt with her twisted self was only too happy to rub it in. I wonder how come I didn’t turn out bat-shit crazy like those two?”

I just raised my brow at that because the jury was still out on that one. He saw my look and laughed.

“I’m not crazy Mr. O’Rourke, just a very determined and very pissed off young man who means to get his pound of flesh.

If she had turned out to be a halfway decent person maybe I would’ve given her a break. But it’s hard to realize that she’s just a mean nasty bird who throws people away like Kleenex.

That’s why she’d obsessed with you, you were the first one to throw her aside must’ve twisted her panties in a knot.”

“How do you know that she wasn’t the one who left me?”

“Hah, like I said I’ve done my homework? I almost wish I hadn’t started this though knowing that I have part of that in me is very scary.

I out grew my aunt and uncle and their abuse, that is to say I rose above it somehow, because I was smart and I had an out, but there’s no way of getting away from genes.

“Did you ever think of finding your dad?”

“Wouldn’t know where to start, the bitch never said who he was and after all my digging I still can’t find a trace.

It seems the prim and proper Marion was a bit of a slut in high school. Only she kept her slutty ways well hidden from the people in her own small community. She preferred to spread her legs and her charms a few towns over.”

“There are still ways, I’m sure I can dig something out.”

“Why would you?’

“Fuck if I know, for some fucked up reason I like you kid.

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