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My Little Farm Girl

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I was about to go after him to ask his forgiveness for that, but then I remembered everything else I’d done that evening and it all came crashing down on me like a bucket of cold water.

I’d been flirting, yes flirting with Josh of all people. I’m not that green that I don’t realize that Callan has a problem with the way Josh acts around me. I’d done it for that very reason.

And the drinking, I wasn’t allowed alcohol unless he gave it to me and that was very rare. He came out of the office and headed for our room. I stood where I was afraid to move; afraid that if I did something might shatter.

When he came back out minutes later with just my suitcase in hand my knees gave out. “Please, don’t, sir.” I started to cry because he wouldn’t even look at me. I was down on my knees begging him not to send me away. I knew what that lonesome suitcase meant. We weren’t due to leave for New York until the next day.

His next words confirmed my worst fears. “I’ve spoken to your parents they’re expecting you.”

“No master please don’t send me away I’ll be good, I’m sorry I didn’t mean anything by it.” I started babbling any and everything that came to mind. There was a hole where my heart had been. The thought of being away from him scared me more than anything else ever had in my whole life.

Nothing I said or did would sway him, he was more than displeased with me. I think I’d hurt him with my behavior. Had I caught on about the underwear and made amends I’m sure we would’ve moved past that, but I’d confounded the situation by playing the tramp in a room full of his peers and that’s something a man like Callan would never take lightly.

Why hadn’t I thought of that before I let things get this out of hand? Now it was too late and he was sending me away. When he kissed my hair at the backdoor of the car I bawled even harder.

“Please are you going to come and get me?” I couldn’t help it I grabbed onto him until he had to pry my hands off. Still he didn’t answer and I felt like the lowest form of life. What had I done?



She’s gone. I sent her away for her own good. If I hadn’t I might’ve done something we’d both regret. A Dom must have great self- control; I kept reminding myself of that fact as I sat there with the glass of cognac in my hand.

How the fuck had the evening come to this? What the fuck had possessed her? Was it a test? Was she trying to see how far she could go?

I would never have expected that from her, shows how the fuck much I knew. The panties were bad enough, and though I would brook no disobedience, that offense in itself was not enough grounds for banishment. The rest of it though, showed very poor judgment on her part and that was a dangerous thing.

Instead of trying to make amends for a mistake on her part, she dug in and reacted badly to my displeasure. Was I at fault? Was this my doing? Maybe, we could both use some time apart apparently, to get back on track.

She knows that I won’t accept anything less than total submission, I’ve told her often enough, and she swore she understood and I saw for myself that she needed it, needed the stringent structure in her daily life.

A perfect match or so I thought, and what the fuck was she doing flirting with that boy? I couldn’t go break his face because he was really just a kid, but I think it was high time I had words with the little prick.

Not tonight though. I was too sick to my stomach to care about anything else right now. I’d failed somehow her failure was my own, her behavior a reflection of me.

She’d be almost home by now, no not home, home is with me. But she’d be almost to her parents place and I was almost tempted to call the pilot and tell him to bring her back.

I knew she must be hurting I’d seen the look of betrayal in her eyes, it had almost changed my mind but in the end this was for the best. It was best she knew now when our union       was still relatively new that I had no tolerance whatsoever for disobedience.

It was as much about her safety as it was my need to be in control. Tonight I wanted to hurt her after the way she behaved. Not just a harsh spanking that would redden her ass and leave her bruised for a week.

I wanted to fuck her until she hurt while choking the fuck out of her. That was my fucking no fly zone. I could’ve kept her here I guess and waited until I calmed down to dole out her punishment, but her fuck up was no small thing.

Drinking without permission, flirting openly with other men and almost as bad, getting loud in fucking public. When my baby decided to fuck up she went all the way.

I returned to our home the next day after the worst night of my life since the night I’d got the news of gramps passing. I walked around trying to remember what the place had felt like before she’d come into it but I couldn’t. I stopped myself from calling to check up on her more than once.

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