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My Guardian

Page 45

Aaron got up and picked up two more skewers off the rack and placed them on her plate. "You do an old man's heart good."

Meryn pulled the piece of meat off the stick with her teeth. "I just hate assholes."

Aaron chuckled. "Then you are in the wrong city."

Nigel and Neil laughed. "We were nervous about coming here, but anywhere was better than staying in Storm Keep. We're glad you're here, Meryn," Neil said, speaking for both him and his brother.

"If I get to eat more food like this, I'll be glad too." She paused. "I don't like it here though, despite the yummy food; it's too dark."

Eva leaned back against the wood frame. "It is called the City of the Night, Meryn."

Meryn shuddered. "I know, and I still don't like it here. It's like the shadows have eyes and teeth, and they're hunting us."

Eva's breath caught. That's exactly how she had felt when she first woke up, like she was being hunted.

Meryn finished her snack and stood. "Thank you for the food again. I don't have any money though."

Aaron scowled at her. "As if I would take your money young lady. You have done enough to keep me smiling for decades."

Meryn smiled slyly. "Does that mean I can come back for more?"

Aaron threw his head back and laughed loudly. "For you? Anything."

Meryn rubbed her belly. "Good, because I was serious. So far the only things I've been able to keep down are your kebobs, your neighbor's meat pies, and Sebastian's pudding."

Aaron's expression turned thoughtful. "I will have my sister deliver some skewers every afternoon until you leave; we cannot have that babe of yours hungry."

Meryn's face froze, and she looked down. "I didn't mean to get free food; I was just kidding."

Aaron looked around the room trying to gauge what he did wrong. Finally, Eva realized that Meryn wasn't used to kindness. She stepped away from the frame and ruffled Meryn's hair. "Just say 'thank you' Meryn. I doubt a handful of skewers will put him out much." She winked at Aaron.

"That is right. Plus, I get to brag that my kebobs are being served on Level One," he said gruffly.

Meryn looked up. "Really?"

He nodded. "Yes. Now scoot. It will not do your plan much good if you are not down there to witness it, am I right?"

Meryn giggled. "That's my favorite part."

Eva steered Meryn to the exit. "Of course it is, you twisted little thing."

Nigel and Neil waved and they started walking toward the transport tunnel. They were just about to head down when a loud crackling was heard amongst the four of them.

"Meryn, Eva, Nigel, or Neil come in," Adriel's voice called clearly.

Eva pulled the walkie-talkie off her belt. "Ah, hello?"

"You have to say 'over'," Meryn whispered.

Eva rolled her eyes. "Over."

"Eva. Thank the Gods! Where are you?"

"We're just leaving the Marketplace about to head down to Level One, why?"

"Go there immediately. Do not stop for anything, do not talk to anyone, just go to Level One and have Sebastian put the level on lockdown."

Meryn gulped. "We're in a world of trouble now."

"Heading down there now." She clipped the walkie-talkie on her belt. She had a bad feeling about this. "I don't think this is about us, Meryn."

Nigel held her hand as Neil took Meryn's. Nigel had a serious look on his face. "You heard our unit leader, let's go."

I just hope everyone is all right.


Sebastian was waiting for them by an opened door. "Thank the Gods you are okay! Hurry inside so I can lock up." They quickly walked inside, and Sebastian bolted the door behind them.

Ryuu was waiting for Meryn arms crossed. "I can't protect you if you don't keep me at your side."

"How did you find out about that asshole in the Marketplace so fast?" Meryn asked, looking astonished.

Ryuu's eyes narrowed. "What's this about the Marketplace?" He walked over and laid a hand on her shoulder. Seconds later, he was gently pulling up her sleeve to reveal a large bruise. The air around the squire began to crackle. "Who is responsible for this?"

Meryn gently extricated herself and patted him on the chest. "Don't worry, the twins got him sorted. I bet he's still in the bathroom."

Ryuu bowed to the twins. "You have my thanks for protecting her when I could not." He straightened. "Because someone thought it would be a good idea to sneak out."

Meryn shrugged, unable to meet his eyes. "I got hungry."

Ryuu exhaled and pulled Meryn into his arms. He gave her forehead a brotherly kiss then steered her into her favorite recliner. "While I am glad you're eating something besides pudding, I don't ever want to experience the fear I felt when I realized that dead bodies were being found and you were nowhere to be seen."

Eva held up her hand. "Hold your horses. Dead bodies? What in the Sam Hill is going on?"

Sebastian motioned to the sofas and everyone sat down. He went to the sideboard where it looked like an entire teahouse exploded. Eva had a feeling that Sebastian was a nervous baker. "Micah came down here looking for the twins. When we could not find you, he reported to Adriel on those new handhelds. What we did not know was that Adriel had just been called up to the Grand Hall by Alpha Bolivar to report that two of his pack members had been killed. When we could not find you, of course everyone panicked."

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