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My Brother's Keeper

Page 39

He took her at her word and took possession of her mouth. He gently ran his tongue along her lips until she opened for him. She gave him an inch and he took a mile. His tongue teased the roof of her mouth before he began to nibble on her lips. He explored and dominated every part of her mouth.

When there was a knock on the door, they broke apart, both breathing heavily.

"Dinner is ready, peeps," Meryn announced.

"Be right down," Anne croaked.

She looked up and felt a bit of satisfaction that Kendrick was just as affected as she was. "That was amazing."

Kendrick nodded then glanced back at the bed.

She swatted his arm, laughing. "Hold your horses Romeo, I don't even know your middle name."

Kendrick blinked. "I don't have one. Is that going to be a problem?"

Anne laughed. "No, of course not. Why don't you have a middle name?"

He shrugged. "We didn't use them back then."

She put her hands on her hips. "How old are you?"

Kendrick's teasing gaze made her knees go weak. "Kiss me again and I'll tell you."

She took a step back at his devilish expression. "Hmmm. Nope." She turned on her heel and marched toward the door.

He caught up to her immediately and wrapped his arms around her. He began to kiss the back of her neck, sending chills throughout her body. "Stop that!"

Kendrick spun her in his arms. "You seem different."

Anne thought about it for a moment. "I do?"

"You seem more sure of yourself."

She nodded. "I think I am. Before, when there was confusion about Keelan, I wasn't sure where I belonged. Guilt at my attraction to you made me doubt who I was, but now..."--she wrapped her arms around his neck--" I know that's it's okay to be in love with you."

His eyes widened.


She smiled brightly and bolted for the door. "Dinner smells great!"

She was halfway down the stairs when she heard him running. She squealed, and laughing hard, she ran for the dinning room. She burst into the room and everyone looked up in surprise. Grinning, she braced herself against the closed door. Seconds later, she was jolted by the impact of Kendrick hitting the door.


Laughing, she ran for her chair. Everyone around the table was grinning.

Kendrick swung the door open and stepped through slowly, his eyes narrowed dangerously. "I know that Anne wouldn't block the door against me, causing me to bump my nose." He glared at her.

Anne shook her head. "You're right. It was Colton." She pointed at the blond whose mouth dropped open at the accusation.

Kendrick crossed his arms over his chest and began to tap his finger against his elbow. "I see. So Colton, why would you want to keep me from my mate?"

At his question, there were gasps around the table. Anne scowled at him. "You could have told them in a better way."

Kendrick shrugged and walked over to stand beside her chair. He looked around the table. "This isn't going to be a problem, is it gentlemen?"

Darian shook his head and looked around at the other men. "Keelan admitted to me that he wasn't attracted to Anne. Kendrick and I worked out that the dreams he had been having were premonitions to keep her safe, not mating dreams." He looked up at Kendrick. "I'm assuming that you both have been dreaming about each other?"

Anne nodded and looked up at Kendrick; he winked at her and sat down.

"Have you claimed each other yet?" Meryn asked.

"Meryn!" Elizabeth exclaimed.

"What?" Meryn looked at Anne and Kendrick. "Too personal?"

Kendrick shrugged, and Anne just smiled at Meryn; the odd woman had grown on her. "I don't mind telling you when he claims me, but I'm not going into detail. Something tells me it will be too scandalous to share." She leered up at her mate. He just nodded and picked up his water glass.

Meryn giggled and held up her fist. Anne lifted her hand and gave the woman her imaginary fist bump. Meryn sighed happily. "I knew you'd fit in."

Colton watched her with a careful look. "She was hiding her crazy," he accused.

Rheia laughed and shook her head. "She was probably very conflicted about how she felt about Kendrick, especially considering what we told her about Keelan. Now that she's settled, I bet we see more of the real Anne Bennett."

Anne nodded. "She's right. Before, I knew I wasn't attracted to Keelan in that way, but everyone was calling me his mate. Then I met Kendrick, and I was drawn to my supposed mate's brother. I felt like utter shit."

Amelia reached around Kendrick to pat her on the shoulder. "Don't feel bad, that's five for five for relationships starting on the wrong foot in this house." All the women were nodding.

"At least you didn't beat Kendrick with any plumbing fixtures." Aiden commented.

Meryn threw her hands in the air. "Still?" She looked over at Anne. "At least he didn't lock you in his trunk." She turned and stuck her tongue out at her mate.

Laughing, Elizabeth chimed in. "I almost bled to death a couple of times."

Rheia hugged Colton's arm to her. "I surprised Colton with a daughter the day we met."

Amelia turned and held up her hand. "Don't even get me started about feeling guilty. Darian and I have you beat hands down."

Anne's face hurt from smiling so much. Everyone was trying so hard to make this less awkward for her and to help her feel like part of the family. "You'll have to tell me your stories later; they sound amazing."

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