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Mountains of Dawn

Page 92

Luigi Amedeo glanced at his sister, Cecilia Maria, lounging in a chair on the bridge of his yacht. "What do you think of the new paint, Cecilia? And your name on her prow in your favorite shade of blue?"

Cecilia Maria nodded and shaded her eyes against the sun's glare as she gazed at the beautiful view of mountains and sea. She sighed, smiled, and leaned back in her chair, her eyes closed.

Luigi leaned on the rail and stared out to sea. Peaceful, quiet. At times he needed that kind of peace in order to balance the occasional violence in his life.

The telephone rang, a strident intrusion. "Yes?" he said, slightly annoyed.

"Conte, please excuse my interruption of your day," a deep, masculine voice said. "I'm Commissario Caltabieni of the Genova police department."

"Yes? What is it you want, Commissario?"

"Conte, I am in need of the ah…services…perhaps, expertise…" The man's words stammered off in confusion. "You have been recommended to me by a mutual friend. He is… Oh, I can't remember his name just now. He claims you might be able to fulfill my needs." He coughed, cleared his throat, and continued, "If it would be permitted, I would like to meet with you."

"But certainly, Commissario. Please. Drop by at any time. My yacht is anchored at…"

Caltabieni laughed. "I know where to find you, Conte. If it's agreeable, I'll be there in half an hour."

"That is fine," Luigi Amedeo replied, his voice and manner distant. He frowned slightly as he replaced the telephone receiver and turned to his sister. "We are about to receive a social visit from Commissario Caltabieni," he said.

Cecilia Maria greeted Caltabieni, then left the men to their discussion.

"It is an honor to finally meet you, Conte. There aren't many gentlemen like you nowadays," Caltabieni said, shaking Luigi Amedeo's hand. Caltabieni was from southern Italy, where higher social status was acknowledged by ceremonial expressions.

Luigi Amedeo gestured him a lounge chair. "Please, Commissario. Be seated, make yourself comfortable."

Caltabieni slid his bulk into the chair vacated by Cecilia Maria. "Beautiful yacht," he said. "Do you sail often?"

"Short trips, just for pleasure." Luigi Amedeo smiled with his lips, the smile never reaching his eyes. "From time to time I visit the Elbe Island or Sardinia." He nodded at a waiter who served chilled vermouth and savory hors d'oeuvres. "But if I may…what is your interest in me, Commissario?"

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