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Mountains of Dawn

Page 53

"We'd better be getting back," he said. "My housekeeper gets upset if I'm late for lunch."


"Would you like to see where I work?" he asked when they were part way down the hill.

"I'd be delighted." Tanya felt a thrill course through her body. She would be inside his villa. Things were progressing almost faster than she could have imagined.

They didn't talk until they arrived at Kevin's home.

The cool interior of the villa was refreshing after their hike. Tanya stared at the elegant furnishings. In Kevin's studio, bookcases covered the walls from floor to ceiling. Several of the shelves slanted forward to display in full the artistic covers of Kevin's productions. Tanya recognized the Pink Dancer by Degas for the series of French impressionists and The Kiss by Hayes for the Brera collection. The middle of the room was a sitting area. On the left side, a huge oak desk huddled amidst computer equipment.

"This is my study," Kevin said, stating the obvious. "I do my work here, early in the morning, then take a swim." He looked at her, his eyes crinkling in a smile. "But you already know that. Sometimes I walk in the hills, as we did today." His hand reached out and brushed a lock of hair from her face as he smiled at her.

An elderly woman appeared in the doorway. "Luncheon is served, sir," she announced.

"Thank you, Marta. I'll take Ms. Howard home and be right back."

Her mind in a whirl, Tanya played the scenes from their walk over and over again in her memory. He had been very polite. She had no idea if she would ever see him again, except in her little secret intrusions. She tried to put him out of her thoughts, but his image as he swam or sunned himself refused to leave.

He'd make a wonderful model, she thought. That's why I'm so interested in him. But denial didn't last for long.

He'd make an even better lover…

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