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Mountains of Dawn

Page 37

Malcolm ignored his comment. "Brian, we have a record of other accidents with similar characteristics to yours. If we're dealing with a nut case, we can't predict his next move. Prevention is the best solution. You have to get more protection. I insist."

"God, Malcolm, don't be such a big brother." Brian pouted, frowned. "I have good protection. I have Mike Harrison, my driver. I haven't touched a steering wheel since the second accident." He sighed. "No more sports car. Just a boring limousine."

"Pity. I feel for you," Malcolm said, with contempt. "You know I mean more protection than that, Brian. You need 'round the clock' protection, a professional. In the house. Guarding you. As well as the chauffeur."

"Around the clock? God, Malcolm, that's bound to be expensive."

"You can afford it."

Brian looked thoughtful. "Okay, I'll go along with it, but I want a live in guard, for at least five days a week. Don't hit me with shifts of different faces every few hours." He gave Malcolm a winning smile. "Honest, big brother, I promise not to go out at night and party…at least, for a while."

Malcolm frowned, suspicious of the sudden shift in attitude.

"Look, you know Mike has bodyguard training. He can help," Brian said.

"I'll go along with you on this, if you install a new security system in the house. You're too isolated. Your only neighbor is the Sports and Hunt Club."

"That's the beauty of it, of course. Quiet, peaceful…green and secluded. But I'll do it, if you insist."

"I insist. In fact, if I remember correctly, I insisted the last time we spoke and you promised to do something about it then." Malcolm glowered.

"I'll do it, I said. I promise. Absolutely." Brain clasped his hands behind his head and leaned back. "One thing more, though, Malcolm."

"What's that?"

"I want a woman as the live in guard. I like the idea of a bodyguard with curves. It pleases me."

Malcolm's glower deepened. "You never change, do you, Brian? But this isn't as impossible as you might think. We have female agents."

"Oh, I'm sure you have, Malcolm," Brian said, his hazel eyes twinkling. "But this female agent has to be special."

"Special? What do you mean, special? All my agents are special."

"I'm a great believer in Affirmative Action. I want a female agent of color. Indian. Part Indian will do."

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