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Mountains of Dawn

Page 210

It's going to be difficult, Malcolm thought as he left the Boeing 757. His meeting with Luigi Amedeo would take some careful planning. He wanted Luigi Amedeo to cooperate, which meant he would have to speak of Tanya. He didn't want to reveal too much about her situation, however. Still undecided on how to handle the upcoming encounter, he headed toward the exit of Kennedy Airport.

"Mr. Clark? Malcolm?" a voice behind him said.

As he turned, Malcolm saw Luigi Amedeo. "I didn't expect to see you here," he said.

"You told me it was urgent, and that it concerned Tanya Howard Caldwell. I thought we might touch base on our way to my place." The tone of Luigi Amedeo's voice was unusually warm.

"Thanks, though you took me a bit by surprise."

"I realized that. Do you believe Tanya's life is still in danger?" Luigi Amedeo asked.

"Yes, I do."

"So, you think I can help you?" Luigi Amedeo unlocked the doors of an anonymous black Olds 88. Both men entered the car and buckled up. "What are the 'new elements' you mentioned on the phone?" He began to drive.

Malcolm opened his briefcase and spread pictures of Luigi Amedeo with Caltabieni, the first set on the yacht Cecilia Maria, the second set near the aircraft Il Falco.

"You know Caltabieni," Malcolm said with a twinkle of reproach.

"Yes," replied Luigi Amedeo calmly. "I do."

"You helped him in a special operation, back in June." Malcolm paused, one eyebrow raised.

"Correct. I helped the authorities with the rescue of an abducted boy."

"A mafia Don's boy," Malcolm said with contempt.

"I didn't ask the boy if he was related to the mafia, I just rescued him."

Luigi Amedeo concentrated on the traffic, heavy at that time of day. He wove in and out of lanes. Within twenty-five minutes, he was in the underground parking lot of his apartment building. He invited Malcolm into his den and switched on an antique brass chandelier.

"Make yourself comfortable, Malcolm. Would you like a drink?" Luigi Amedeo asked.

"A glass of water would be fine," Malcolm replied. He took a seat on the off-white chesterfield.

"So…I can help Tanya, you said?" Luigi Amedeo asked as he poured ice water into two cut crystal glasses. He sat in front of Malcolm and crossed his legs.

"I'm following a lead," Malcolm replied, accepting the glass of water. "No one except the police in Vermeil and my people at the agency knew Tanya Howard's real identity. For reasons we're still investigating, a leak occurred on the other side of the Atlantic. Sometime in June the office of Caltabieni learned of Tanya's identity. It's my guess you may have had something to do with it." Luigi Amedeo drank his water in a few quick gulps. Malcolm continued, "We also have evidence of Charles Aldrin taking trips to Genova around that time and continuing until the accident at Mr. Matwin's villa."

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