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Mountains of Dawn

Page 203

"Are you sure it's okay? Going to your cottage? I mean, don't you think we should let Malcolm know where we're going?" Tanya asked. Kevin had convinced her to leave Judith's place for his apartment, just to be with her. She had agreed, but thought it would be for one day only.

Kevin brushed aside her concerns. "If nobody knows where we are, then nobody can find us, right? The situation was starting to drive me crazy. Every time I came to see you for the past two weeks, we were never alone."

Tanya stroked his cheek with gentle fingers, tracing his features. "I wanted to make love to you, too, Kevin. It wasn't good for me, either. But I did try to do what Malcolm suggested."

Kevin kissed her with tiny butterfly kisses, starting at her nose and covering her entire face. "My girl's as spontaneous in sex as she is when she paints or talks. When I can't be with you, I feel like I'm deprived of a part of myself." He paused, shook his head. "It's difficult to explain. I don't work well. I'm nervous, shaky like an addict coming down from a high." He smiled at her. "You'll love my cottage. It's very nice, near Mont Tremblant. And I know you'll find lots of artistic inspiration. That is, if I leave you alone long enough." He nibbled on her ear. "Now. Do you need any new clothes? You don't have much in your bag."

Tanya shook her head. "Enough to go to a cottage."

"I'll fix a thermos of coffee to take with us in the car," Kevin said, and swiftly moved toward the kitchen.

"How about a snack before we go?" Tanya asked.

Kevin grinned. "I forgot having sex makes you hungry. Coffee with a muffin coming up."

"You have nice photos of your women," said Tanya nearing the walls of Kevin's living room. "I didn't know Jane was so beautiful. The picture I saw didn't do her justice. And Milena…she had lovely eyes, very much alive."

"Not as alive as yours," said Kevin as he returned with two steaming cups of coffee.

"Thank you, Kevin. And this is Vanessa, right? I wouldn't have recognized her. She doesn't have a sweet look."

"Tanya, you've seen pictures of the women in my past: where?" Kevin's inquisitive eyes were all over her.

"A little secret…"

"Another secret?"

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