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Mountains of Dawn

Page 163

Charles followed her. With all the force she could muster, Tanya swung her bag and threw it at him as he exited the cab, hitting him in the face. Blood gushed from his nose and he stumbled. She raced around to the other side and re-entered from the opposite door. "Go!" she said to the driver. "Move, and fast! Take me to a police station!"

Tanya flew up the stairs to the police station two steps at a time, her breath hitching in her throat. Trying to stay calm, she asked to speak to an English-speaking officer. She sat and waited, her heartbeat gradually slowing.

Half an hour passed when an officer approached her, smiling. "Ma'am, everything's going to be fine," he said. His smile widened into a grin. "Your husband explained everything. He told us about your little disagreement." The officer chuckled. "You really shouldn't take your family arguments to the station, unless there's a good reason, Ma'am."

"What are you talking about? I'm not married."

"Ah, yes, your husband said you would tell us that. Could you show me your passport, please, Mrs. Milton?"

"But that's not my name…" Tanya stopped speaking as Charles walked into the room, carrying her bag. He smiled as he handed the officer the passport listing Tanya as Edda Milton.

"And I have these, as well," Charles said, handing the officer a pair of airline tickets made out in the names of Charles and Edda Milton. "Now, Edda, dear…you didn't take your medication this morning, and you know what the doctor said will happen to you if you don't do that. Come with me, dear, and we'll make everything all better." He grinned a feline grin and reached out to stroke her head.

"I demand to be put in contact with Malcolm Clark, the director of the Invicta," Tanya said, her voice shaking.

"Malcolm Clark…your husband told us you would say that, too, Ma'am. Sorry, but why don't you just go along with him, and he'll take care of you?"

He turned to Charles and shrugged, then winked. "How's this?" he asked. "Your husband will take you to the Canadian Embassy, in one of our police cars, escorted by one of our officers. Would that do?"

She looked from one man to the other, confused. "Yes, I suppose so," she said. "I won't be alone with him?"

"No, Ma'am, you'll be perfectly safe."

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