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Mountain Ice (David Dean Mysteries)

Page 222

"Where is he now?" Dean asked.

"One of the motels in town. He didn't say which. He even apologized for not calling before he stopped by and for not staying at Bird Song, like maybe he'd be welcomed. Said it brought back sad memories. If he didn't have some tootsie with him and I didn't know him for the skunk he is, I might have believed him."

"Did he pick up everything-all the items Jake Weller brought by and the luggage we were holding-and the climbing gear?" Dean asked.

"Yup. He had a car, a rental I guess. We piled it in the trunk and backseat." Fred reached in his shirt pocket and with a smile and a flourish, held out a check. "But give the devil his due, he paid his way." The check was for a substantial amount. "Shipton insisted on paying for the last two weeks even though he wasn't near the place. Said it was for all the trouble he and his wife caused Bird Song."

Dean held the key in his hand and glanced at the check. More seeds sprouted. It was plunk, plunk, plunk as little pieces began falling in place.

"No guess where he and the woman are staying?" Dean asked, sudden concern showing on his face.

"Naw. They drove off to the south." Unfortunately, most of the motels that remained open in the winter season were located in that direction. Dean picked up the hall phone, and resting the phone book on his lap began calling lodging establishments.

"What's a matter?" Fred asked. "You're not going to return his money are you?"

"No," Dean answered. "I just want to talk. Something important just dawned on me."

Fred continued to stand by as Dean found where Jerome Shipton was staying on the second try. He asked to speak with him.

"No, he's not here now," answered a pleasant voice. "They just left for the ice park." He could hear the smile in her voice. "He said something about getting back on the horse after you fall. I can't understand those climbers...." But Dean didn't let her finish before he interrupted, ending the conversation. He dialed Sheriff Jake Weller's office while Fred continued to question him, but he waved him off with a shake of his head.

Weller wasn't in. Dean slammed down the phone as he grabbed his coat and rushed for the door. "Call the City Police, too. Keep trying to locate Weller. I'm going up to the ice park!"


"Because if someone doesn't find him soon, Jerome Shipton is going to be a dead man!"

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