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Moonlight Prince

Page 26

"An old lover of Fen's," explains Dean.

"This sounds…" Tavian pauses. "Complicated." He doesn't seem to find the notion funny. His face is grim.

And I feel the way he looks.


It's a short journey away from the road to reach the Grey Forest. It is a place more dead than alive. Filled with pale white trees and withered grass. Insects surface from the damp mud earth, but no other beasts make noise or appearance. Trinkets, spun from twine to look like puppets hang from branches; an old custom to keep beasts within the forest and away from villagers. And there, deep in the wood, between the trees that bend like claws, we find the cottage. Her cottage.

It's small, built of wood and bricks, but elegant in its design. The main door is thick and carved from a deep red oak. The windows are filled with colorful designs. There is a change as we near the home.

The air smells crisper, cleaner.

The grass turns from withered to lush and green.

Orange lights float in the sky. Fireflies, drifting over a garden of purple and white flowers.

"There is power here," says Tavian as we dismount our horses and walk for the door. "Who is this friend of yours? A Fae?"

"Not exactly," I say, stopping at the doorway, hoping we haven't travelled for nothing. And then I knock.

"I'm out back."

The voice carries unnaturally. Close, intimate like a whisper, yet distant all the same. And smooth. Smooth and rich like honey.

Dean breathes the air in deeply, as if savoring a taste. "Oh, I missed her," he says. "Haven't you, Fenris?"

I remind myself of all the reasons we didn't work. Of why we can't work. "I'm here for Arianna. Nothing else."

Dean grins. "Fine by me."

We walk around the cottage, to a backyard filled with fresh grass and flowers. Butterflies and bees hover over the plants and a deer stalks near the trees, unflinching at our presence. At the center of the garden lies a pool of clear blue water, lilies floating on the surface, crystals glowing below. And there swims Marasphyr, the lower half of her body a tail and fins, her scales a glittering sapphire. Her upper body, well, very human, and very naked.

Dean whistles. "Oh, I did miss her."

"Focus," I hiss.

"A mermaid?" says Tavian, staring at the pond. He's not entranced like Dean however. No. There is an uneasiness about him. Perhaps he's never met a mermaid before. They're not common. Not on this world anyway.

Marasphyr breaks through the surface, flipping back her long aquamarine hair, and reclining at the edge of the pool. "Right on time, Fenris." She smiles, her teeth bright and perfect. Not sharp like they were before, like they are naturally.

The illusions we wear don't seem to affect her. I'm not surprised. Not with her power.

Tavian raises an eyebrow. "She knew we were coming?"

I sigh. "Marasphyr remembers things…" I sigh again. "From the future."

Tavian tenses. "That… that is no natural gift."

"Who's to say, my dear?" asks the mermaid. "Aren't we all natural beings? Isn't every part of us a thing to be cherished?"

"Some things we should keep at bay," says Tavian, his eyes dark. "Our faults. Our shortcomings. Even our gifts if they do more harm than good." He turns to me and Dean. "We should go. This place, this magic, it is not something to trifle with."

"She's our only chance," I growl, turning back to the mermaid.

"Ah, Fenris, moody as ever, I see. I suppose you're looking for the lost princess? Word gets around."

I step forward, closer to the pool. "There's a blockade. We need to get past it."

"Hmm… give me a moment." Marasphyr waves her hand and the water around her shimmers and swirls, seeping into her tail, slowly turning it to legs. She walks out of the pool, and as she does, clothing begins to weave around her, covering her pale skin. A black and purple dress falls down her body, cut at the sides to reveal her legs and leather boots. Her hair is already dry, her eyes dark and calling. She locks me with her gaze. Traps me. I—

I look away. There is something about Marasphyr. Something that draws men to her. I suppose Dean has the same effect on women. Maybe they would make a great pair.

"So, will you help or not?" I ask.

"Oh, to have the mighty Fenris in my debt I would do anything." She walks forward, to my brother, and runs a finger over his chest. The whole time she looks at me. "But first, I must—"

"We have no time to haggle," I say, clenching my fists. "We've wasted too much time already."

She doesn't react. Just keeps her eyes locked on me. "But first… I must speak to your friend here."


"Yes, Tavian." Finally, she looks away from me and at the traveler. At the Fae full of secrets. "It will be quick, I promise."

Tavian grinds his teeth. "I suppose it was to happen eventually."

"What do you mean?" I ask, looking between the Fae and the mermaid.

Marasphyr smiles. "Tavian and I know each other. From the past. And we have an unresolved matter."

Dean drops his jaw. "You knew her? Why not tell us?"

Tavian sighs. "She went by a different name then. A different face too. But…" He looks at her. "It is you, isn't it?"

She winks at him, then takes him by the arm. "Come, old friend. Let's not keep the gentlemen waiting." She guides him away, into the cottage.

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