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Missing Heiress

Page 42

Maggie ignored them both. "No, with my chat friend."

"The axe-murderer? Please, Maggie, you can do far better than that."

"Wait until you hear this. He sent me a picture and guess where he was standing? Right in front of the plaza fountain."

"He's here in Denver? That's more serious than I thought."

"I went at noon to see if I could spot him and he was there."

"Haven't I told you about guys like that? You can't trust the ones you meet online."

"I know, but they don't normally wear expensive suits."

Jim got up and walked to the vending machine. "Some do. Don't you watch the news? How many times has a doctor or lawyer bumped off his wife?"

"How many?"

He chose coffee with cream, and carried it back to the table. "Oh, I forgot, you haven't lived here all your life. The answer is plenty, and all of them wear expensive suits. Did he give you a name?"

"No, just the picture."

Jim's look of disapproval was unmistakable, but he softened his voice a little. "So, is he handsome?"

Maggie's eyes brightened. "He is divine."

Jim shook his head. "Handsome men kill too. Take my advice and keep it online. It's safer that way."

"Yes, but…"

"Maggie, promise me you'll be careful. You gotta check guys out before you date them, it's the only way. My wife didn't and look what she got?"

Maggie giggled. "She got lucky."

Jim blew on it and then carefully sipped his hot coffee. "You wouldn't mind telling her that occasionally, would you?"

"Not at all. When do I get to see her again?"

"We're taking the kids to the zoo Sunday. Wanna come?"

"I would love to."

"You're on." Jim picked up a magazine someone left on the table and started to turn the pages. "Are you going back to that fountain?"

"I might. I'm curious. I want to see if he meets any women, if he talks funny or if he buys porn."

"Porn? How would you know that?"

"There's a bookstore across the street from where I saw him, and maybe he'll go there. You can tell a lot about people by what they buy."

"I suppose you can, but I'm going with you next time."

"Okay, tomorrow at noon."

"It's a date."

Maggie dug in her pocket for a breath mint, unrolled one, and popped it in her mouth. "What do you think Susan and Nicole were talking about?"

"Something they didn't want us to hear, that's for sure."

"Neither of them looked very happy. You think Susan is smart enough to turn down the manager's job?"

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