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Midnight Sins (Midnight #2)

Page 15

But not her shifter…he’d acted just as the others of his kind had done before him.

“You sure seem to know a lot about the sex demons.” His head cocked to the right. “How certain are you that the info you have is accurate?”

Since her knowledge had come straight from the mouth of a succubus, pretty damn certain. “Something else you should know,” she told him, knowing she had to tread carefully. “Sex demons—they are very, very territorial. I’d be surprised if there are more than a few in the city.”

“In that case, I’ll damn well be having my little talk with Cara as soon as possible.”


The name rang in her ears.

Oh, damn.

The rising sun shot streaks of pink and purple across the sky as the lights filtered though the clouds and illuminated the horizon.

Cara paused in the swimming pool, her body easily staying afloat. This was really her favorite time of the day, when the shadows had to give way to the light.

She turned slightly, and dove deep, heading straight to the bottom of the pool. The water was warm—she always kept it heated—

and it closed around her like the arms of a lover.


She’d left him sleeping upstairs. A smile had been on his lips. Cara had kissed him, a soft, light kiss before she left.

A part of her was afraid that would be the last kiss she ever gave to him. It was easy to pretend you didn’t care about reality in the heat of passion. When pleasure was only moments away, it was fine to focus on the moment. Hell, she did that all the time.

But Todd was a cop, and he wasn’t just going to ignore the…peculiarities of the night before.

Of course, she had been holding back on the guy. Things could have gotten so intense that she could have had the man begging.

Or screaming with his pleasure.

Though they’d both come pretty close to that.

When she touched the bottom of the pool, Cara pivoted and shot toward the surface. Her eyes were wide open as she swam, and she saw the outline of a man standing near the edge of the pool.

Todd. Her heart rate kicked up a notch. Her head broke the surface and she sucked in a deep breath of air. Tendrils of steam rose from the water.

He’d dressed in the rumpled clothes he’d worn last night. His hair was tousled, and there was a hard set to his mouth.

“Do you always leave your lovers at dawn?” He asked her quietly.

She swam to the edge of the pool. Slow, unhurried movements. She reached for the wall. Curled her fingers over the edge and stared up at him. “Do you always whisper my name when you sleep?” He had, right after she’d kissed him, and that soft sound had pierced straight to her heart.

Fool. He’s not going to care when he knows the truth. They never care.

In fact, humans were usually horrified when they found out what she really was.

Narrow-minded jerks. Okay, now she was starting to think like Cameron, but it wasn’t as if she could help the way she’d been born. She didn’t blame humans for having skin that could injure too easily or—

“Lately, yeah, I probably do.” He crouched down, his powerful thighs bunching. “I missed you when I woke up this morning.”

The guy sure knew how to say just the right thing.

She swallowed. “I, uh, usually swim at dawn.” Oh, jeez, could she have sounded more like a stuttering fool and less like a calm, cool demon?

“I’ll remember that. Maybe I’ll join you one day.”

“You could…join me now if you wanted.”

His gaze heated at her words.

Cara lifted her hand, pointing to the high privacy fence that surrounded her yard. “Don’t worry about a suit. No one can see us.”

Though she wouldn’t have really cared if they could. Modesty had never been a particular concern of hers.

“Damn, but you tempt me, woman.”

Yeah, that was the point.

His hand reached out, caught her by the back of the neck and his lips took hers, pressing tight in a fierce kiss. His tongue moved swiftly to claim hers, stirring the hunger she’d thought was temporarily sated.

Her wet hands wrapped around his arms. When his lips lifted from hers, she whispered, “Come into the water with me.”

His gaze was so dark. So intense. Todd pulled away from her. Rose. Stared down at her with a face drawn tight.

She wanted him so badly that her body trembled.

And the light of dawn was beginning to glow brighter.

His hands went to his shirt. Only a few buttons remained, thanks to her frantic efforts last night. Slowly, he unhooked them and dropped the shirt onto the cement.

He kicked off his shoes, tossed away his socks. Then, gazing down into her eyes, he stripped off his jeans and boxers.

Oh, yes. The man was absolutely perfect to her. She licked her lips. Her stare raked down his chest. Over the sculpted abs and down to the narrow flare of his hips—and to the broad shaft of arousal that jutted toward her.

This might just turn out to be the best swim she’d ever had.

“How deep?” He asked, and for a wild, hungry moment, she thought he was talking about sex.

Then she was actually able to think past her lust. “Uh, twelve feet here and—”

He dove into the pool, arching his body and cutting straight into the water with an economy of splash.

She spun around, wanting to catch him when he came up and feel all that bare male flesh against her body. She was in a bikini, but it would be easy enough for him to pull away the spaghetti straps and—

He caught her around the waist. Tugged her beneath the water. Her hands flew out, slid over his shoulders, and she found him staring at her, body perfectly poised, eyes blazing with need.

Oh, but she liked the way he played.

His hands went to her top. Untied the straps with a quick flick of his fingers. Her bared breasts were desperate for his touch, the nipples tight and hard in the water. He caught the tips with his fingers. Caressed. Teased.

Made her want so much more.

Todd and Cara shot to the surface at the same time. The moment air filled her lungs, Cara was ready for him. She kissed him, sealing her lips tight to his—

Right before they sank beneath the water.

His fingers went to the bottom of her suit. Found the same easy ties to untangle. When the fabric floated away, he touched her sex.

Pushed those strong fingers between her legs and made her hips strain toward him as he strummed the center of her need.

They kicked to the surface together. His hands were still on her. Her lips still on his. Her mouth lifted slowly.

Then he pushed her back against the wall of the pool. Spread her legs ever wider and thrust two fingers deep into her core.

Cara hissed as the pleasure lashed her. But she wanted more than just those fingers inside of her. “Todd…I need you.”

“Ah, damn, but you are the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.” His mouth pressed against her throat. Bit. Sucked the flesh.

“Don’t…ah…play.” But playing felt so good. “Make love to me.”

His head lifted. “I don’t have any more protection with me.” He sounded horrified.

Hell. Pregnancy wasn’t a major concern for her, but now really wasn’t the time to get into an explanation of her genetics.

The lust was riding them both too hard. Now was the time for relief. “Guess we have to improvise,” she whispered. It wouldn’t be as good as having that thick erection of his driving into her, but she was discovering that just about any sensual play with Todd was better than everything she’d experienced with others.

The man sure as hell knew how to please a succubus. A rare talent.

But she also knew how to please a man. Her fingers found the small nubs of his nipples. Tugged lightly. A growl rewarded her efforts, and she trailed the tips of her nails down his chest. The pressure of her nails wasn’t enough to hurt him or mark him, but just enough to sensitize his flesh and let him know what was coming.

Well, he would be coming. And so would she. But first—

Her fingers eased over the skin of his abdomen.

“Cara…” His voice had become guttural now, and the fingers inside her were still working her sex in a fierce, possessive drive.

Her climax was close.

Time for his.

The air crackled around them. The already warm water in the pool heated perceptibly as their passion flared.

She found the length of his cock. Long. Hard. She wrapped both hands around him, squeezed. Tested the length, moving from root to head. Again. Again.

The fingers driving inside her began to move faster.

So did her hands.

He kissed her. Drove his tongue into her mouth in perfect time with the thrust of his hand.

Her sex contracted around his fingers. Her skin began to prickle as the sting of energy in the air surrounded her, so rich and sweet she could taste it…just as she tasted him.

Her hands pumped his flesh. Squeezed tighter. Stroked harder. His body stiffened against her, the muscles bunching as he spiraled ever closer to his release.

Her fingers closed over the top of his shaft, caressed the sensitive head beneath the warm water.

Oh, but she was close—

He tore his mouth from hers, stared down at her, breath ragged and hard.

His thumb pushed against her clit and his fingers thrust deep again.

The fire within her erupted into a blaze as Cara choked out his name and greedily took the pleasure he offered…even as she pumped him to his own climax.

His cock tightened, jerked. The face above hers flushed and she felt the hard jet of his orgasm.

Cara kissed him again, riding the wave of her orgasm, his, and funneling that energy right back to Todd so that his body shuddered as the fiery pleasure seemed to last and last.

When the climax ended, dawn had arrived in full force. Light blazed across the pool, sparkling on the waves.

Damn. It was a miracle they both hadn’t drowned.

Todd blinked and gazed down at Cara’s glistening face. He was so screwed.

Her full lips trembled. Curved into a smile that looked gorgeous, and a little lost.

So screwed.

But he felt good. Fucking fantastic, in fact.

He kissed those lips of hers. God, but he loved her mouth. The sweet bow of her top lip. The plumpness of her lower lip. The way her mouth fit against his. The way she tasted.

Her fingers stroked his cock. A final caress before she eased her hands away.

Todd exhaled. “Cara…” Now that the fog of lust was starting to clear, he knew they needed to talk.

But, if he didn’t get away from the naked temptation of her body, he’d forget about talking, again, and pounce on the lady one more time.

“I like you.” Cara’s words stopped him. “You’re…different, Todd Brooks.”

And she was far beyond any experience he’d ever had.

“That’s why this is going to be so hard,” she whispered.

He frowned. “What are you talking about?”

Now the smile on her lips was just sad. “We should get dressed.”

She disappeared under the water, sliding beneath the clear surface and swimming around him, before reappearing in the shallow end of the pool—close to the steps that led up to the cement and the waiting patio. He swam slowly behind her, the tension in his gut thickening.

Todd knew he wasn’t about to have the best conversation of his life.

He sure as hell hoped the lady wasn’t kicking him out. Not yet.

His gaze zeroed in on the graceful line of her back as she rose from the pool. Dipped low to the curve of her ass. He hadn’t showed her ass the attention it deserved yet, but he would. He’d show—

She turned a bit, reaching down to grab a towel off the chaise, and he caught a glimpse of her birthmark. A perfect half-moon birthmark above her hip. Left side.


Goose bumps grew on his flesh, his warning system going off too late.

In less than five seconds, he was out of the pool. Splashing water and storming toward her. “What the hell is going on?”

She whirled at his snarl, holding her towel in front of her. “Ah, Todd—”

He grabbed the edge of the towel, wrenched it away. Last night, it had been so dark in her bedroom that he hadn’t noticed the mark on her hip. But now, in the bright light of the new day, there was no mistaking it.

Just like in his dream. A perfect fucking match.


No, it should have been impossible.

A woman couldn’t just…walk into his dreams.

And a man couldn’t transform into a wolf—but Colin had. He’d seen the transformation with his own eyes.

Just like he now saw the damn birthmark.

“I dreamed of that mark.” He stared at the smooth white skin. Skin that contrasted so richly with the dark half-moon. He lifted his gaze to her face. Found her watching him with worried eyes. “How’d I do that, Cara?”

The hair on his nape had risen. Oh, yeah, his alarms were ringing now. Shrieking, actually.

Her hand lifted. “Give me the towel.”

Todd realized they were both dripping wet and still naked. And that he was aroused. Confused as hell, but increasingly aroused.

He tossed the towel back to her.

She wrapped the terry-cloth around her body. “On the other side of the pool, there’s a small storage room. You’ll find some towels in there.”


“We’ll talk, okay? Just…you need to get dressed first.”

Fine. He spun around, military-style. His gaze flickered over the still water of the pool, saw her bikini floating on the surface. His stomach clenched.

Damn it. Todd headed for the storage room. Found an oversize towel. Swiped away the water and secured the towel at his hips.

Not dressed, but good enough—for the moment.

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