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Page 96

"I shall be exceedingly obliged if you will look in on me here

occasionally, Mr. Lydgate," the banker observed, after a brief pause.

"If, as I dare to hope, I have the privilege of finding you a valuable

coadjutor in the interesting matter of hospital management, there will

be many questions which we shall need to discuss in private. As to the

new hospital, which is nearly finished, I shall consider what you have

said about the advantages of the special destination for fevers. The

decision will rest with me, for though Lord Medlicote has given the

land and timber for the building, he is not disposed to give his

personal attention to the object."

"There are few things better worth the pains in a provincial town like

this," said Lydgate. "A fine fever hospital in addition to the old

infirmary might be the nucleus of a medical school here, when once we

get our medical reforms; and what would do more for medical education

than the spread of such schools over the country? A born provincial

man who has a grain of public spirit as well as a few ideas, should do

what he can to resist the rush of everything that is a little better

than common towards London. Any valid professional aims may often find

a freer, if not a richer field, in the provinces."

One of Lydgate's gifts was a voice habitually deep and sonorous, yet

capable of becoming very low and gentle at the right moment. About his

ordinary bearing there was a certain fling, a fearless expectation of

success, a confidence in his own powers and integrity much fortified by

contempt for petty obstacles or seductions of which he had had no

experience. But this proud openness was made lovable by an expression

of unaffected good-will. Mr. Bulstrode perhaps liked him the better for

the difference between them in pitch and manners; he certainly liked

him the better, as Rosamond did, for being a stranger in Middlemarch.

One can begin so many things with a new person!--even begin to be a

better man.

"I shall rejoice to furnish your zeal with fuller opportunities," Mr.

Bulstrode answered; "I mean, by confiding to you the superintendence of

my new hospital, should a maturer knowledge favor that issue, for I am

determined that so great an object shall not be shackled by our two

physicians. Indeed, I am encouraged to consider your advent to this

town as a gracious indication that a more manifest blessing is now to

be awarded to my efforts, which have hitherto been much with stood.

With regard to the old infirmary, we have gained the initial point--I

mean your election. And now I hope you will not shrink from incurring

a certain amount of jealousy and dislike from your professional

brethren by presenting yourself as a reformer."

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