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Page 438

"Yes, my boy, you have a claim," said Caleb, with much feeling in his

voice. "The young ones have always a claim on the old to help them

forward. I was young myself once and had to do without much help; but

help would have been welcome to me, if it had been only for the

fellow-feeling's sake. But I must consider. Come to me to-morrow at

the office, at nine o'clock. At the office, mind."

Mr. Garth would take no important step without consulting Susan, but it

must be confessed that before he reached home he had taken his

resolution. With regard to a large number of matters about which other

men are decided or obstinate, he was the most easily manageable man in

the world. He never knew what meat he would choose, and if Susan had

said that they ought to live in a four-roomed cottage, in order to

save, he would have said, "Let us go," without inquiring into details.

But where Caleb's feeling and judgment strongly pronounced, he was a

ruler; and in spite of his mildness and timidity in reproving, every

one about him knew that on the exceptional occasions when he chose, he

was absolute. He never, indeed, chose to be absolute except on some

one else's behalf. On ninety-nine points Mrs. Garth decided, but on

the hundredth she was often aware that she would have to perform the

singularly difficult task of carrying out her own principle, and to

make herself subordinate.

"It is come round as I thought, Susan," said Caleb, when they were

seated alone in the evening. He had already narrated the adventure

which had brought about Fred's sharing in his work, but had kept back

the further result. "The children are fond of each other--I mean,

Fred and Mary."

Mrs. Garth laid her work on her knee, and fixed her penetrating eyes

anxiously on her husband.

"After we'd done our work, Fred poured it all out to me. He can't bear

to be a clergyman, and Mary says she won't have him if he is one; and

the lad would like to be under me and give his mind to business. And

I've determined to take him and make a man of him."

"Caleb!" said Mrs. Garth, in a deep contralto, expressive of resigned


"It's a fine thing to do," said Mr. Garth, settling himself firmly

against the back of his chair, and grasping the elbows. "I shall have

trouble with him, but I think I shall carry it through. The lad loves

Mary, and a true love for a good woman is a great thing, Susan. It

shapes many a rough fellow."

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