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Page 260

There was still a residue of personal property as well as the land, but

the whole was left to one person, and that person was--O

possibilities! O expectations founded on the favor of "close" old

gentlemen! O endless vocatives that would still leave expression

slipping helpless from the measurement of mortal folly!--that

residuary legatee was Joshua Rigg, who was also sole executor, and who

was to take thenceforth the name of Featherstone.

There was a rustling which seemed like a shudder running round the

room. Every one stared afresh at Mr. Rigg, who apparently experienced

no surprise.

"A most singular testamentary disposition!" exclaimed Mr. Trumbull,

preferring for once that he should be considered ignorant in the past.

"But there is a second will--there is a further document. We have not

yet heard the final wishes of the deceased."

Mary Garth was feeling that what they had yet to hear were not the

final wishes. The second will revoked everything except the legacies

to the low persons before mentioned (some alterations in these being

the occasion of the codicil), and the bequest of all the land lying in

Lowick parish with all the stock and household furniture, to Joshua

Rigg. The residue of the property was to be devoted to the erection

and endowment of almshouses for old men, to be called Featherstone's

Alms-Houses, and to be built on a piece of land near Middlemarch

already bought for the purpose by the testator, he wishing--so the

document declared--to please God Almighty. Nobody present had a

farthing; but Mr. Trumbull had the gold-headed cane. It took some time

for the company to recover the power of expression. Mary dared not

look at Fred.

Mr. Vincy was the first to speak--after using his snuff-box

energetically--and he spoke with loud indignation. "The most

unaccountable will I ever heard! I should say he was not in his right

mind when he made it. I should say this last will was void," added Mr.

Vincy, feeling that this expression put the thing in the true light.

"Eh Standish?"

"Our deceased friend always knew what he was about, I think," said Mr.

Standish. "Everything is quite regular. Here is a letter from

Clemmens of Brassing tied with the will. He drew it up. A very

respectable solicitor."

"I never noticed any alienation of mind--any aberration of intellect in

the late Mr. Featherstone," said Borthrop Trumbull, "but I call this

will eccentric. I was always willingly of service to the old soul; and

he intimated pretty plainly a sense of obligation which would show

itself in his will. The gold-headed cane is farcical considered as an

acknowledgment to me; but happily I am above mercenary considerations."

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