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Page 210

1st Gent. All times are good to seek your wedded home

Bringing a mutual delight.

2d Gent. Why, true.

The calendar hath not an evil day

For souls made one by love, and even death

Were sweetness, if it came like rolling waves

While they two clasped each other, and foresaw

No life apart.

Mr. and Mrs. Casaubon, returning from their wedding journey, arrived at

Lowick Manor in the middle of January. A light snow was falling as

they descended at the door, and in the morning, when Dorothea passed

from her dressing-room avenue the blue-green boudoir that we know of,

she saw the long avenue of limes lifting their trunks from a white

earth, and spreading white branches against the dun and motionless sky.

The distant flat shrank in uniform whiteness and low-hanging uniformity

of cloud. The very furniture in the room seemed to have shrunk since

she saw it before: the stag in the tapestry looked more like a ghost in

his ghostly blue-green world; the volumes of polite literature in the

bookcase looked more like immovable imitations of books. The bright

fire of dry oak-boughs burning on the logs seemed an incongruous

renewal of life and glow--like the figure of Dorothea herself as she

entered carrying the red-leather cases containing the cameos for Celia.

She was glowing from her morning toilet as only healthful youth can

glow: there was gem-like brightness on her coiled hair and in her hazel

eyes; there was warm red life in her lips; her throat had a breathing

whiteness above the differing white of the fur which itself seemed to

wind about her neck and cling down her blue-gray pelisse with a

tenderness gathered from her own, a sentient commingled innocence which

kept its loveliness against the crystalline purity of the outdoor snow.

As she laid the cameo-cases on the table in the bow-window, she

unconsciously kept her hands on them, immediately absorbed in looking

out on the still, white enclosure which made her visible world.

Mr. Casaubon, who had risen early complaining of palpitation, was in

the library giving audience to his curate Mr. Tucker. By-and-by Celia

would come in her quality of bridesmaid as well as sister, and through

the next weeks there would be wedding visits received and given; all in

continuance of that transitional life understood to correspond with the

excitement of bridal felicity, and keeping up the sense of busy

ineffectiveness, as of a dream which the dreamer begins to suspect.

The duties of her married life, contemplated as so great beforehand,

seemed to be shrinking with the furniture and the white vapor-walled

landscape. The clear heights where she expected to walk in full

communion had become difficult to see even in her imagination; the

delicious repose of the soul on a complete superior had been shaken

into uneasy effort and alarmed with dim presentiment. When would the

days begin of that active wifely devotion which was to strengthen her

husband's life and exalt her own? Never perhaps, as she had

preconceived them; but somehow--still somehow. In this solemnly

pledged union of her life, duty would present itself in some new form

of inspiration and give a new meaning to wifely love.

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