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Melting the Ice

Page 26

“Meaning there has to be the pomp and circumstance of Vice President Preston’s only son having a formal wedding, as opposed to hopping a flight to Vegas and getting married at the Elvis Chapel?”

Evelyn laughed. “Something like that. But your mother is right in that we do need to speed up the timeline.”

“Why?” When Evelyn didn’t answer, Carolina frowned. Then it dawned on her. “Oh, my God, you’re pregnant.”

Evelyn nodded. “Just a little.”

Carolina wanted to scream and grab Evelyn into a huge hug. Instead, she ran over and grabbed her hands. “I’m so incredibly excited for you. And honey, you can’t be just a little pregnant. How far along are you?”

“I have no idea. Probably not too far. I was due to have my period before Christmas, and it didn’t happen, so I ran out and bought a pregnancy test. Hard to do in nosy small towns, too, so I had to do it surreptitiously.”

“Secret’s going to come out in a hurry.”

“I know.”

“How did Gray take it?”

“Are you kidding? He’s over-the-moon excited. I cried, he cried, and then we hugged. It was sloppy romantic.”

“Awww.” Tears pricked Carolina’s eyes and she sat on the edge of the bed. “You’re going to make me cry now. I’m going to be an aunt.”

Evelyn sniffled. “I know. I’m so thrilled. And terrified about what his parents are going to say. We’re ruining everything.”

“They aren’t going to be angry. Are you kidding? Do you have any idea how long my mother has been waiting to be a grandmother? She’ll be thrilled.”

“But your father—and his stature as vice president.”

Carolina waved her hand. “So you’ll be a little pregnant when you walk down the aisle. I think the country can weather that small scandal. There are bigger fish to fry, like the deficit and foreign relations and the economy and the price of oil and—”

“Okay, okay, I get your point,” Evelyn said.

“When are you telling Mom and Dad?”

“Today. I’m nervous.”

“Do you want me to come with you?”

“No, I think this is something Gray and I have to do alone. I wanted to tell you first, though.”

“Okay. If you change your mind and you need me, let me know. I’m here for you.”


“And speaking of things that need to be revealed . . .”

Evelyn gave her a look. “You’re not pregnant, too, are you?”

Carolina laughed. “Uh, no. But did Gray tell you he walked into Drew’s room this morning and found Drew and I in bed together?”

Evelyn’s eyes widened. She planted her feet on the floor and leaned forward. “Oh, my God. He so did not tell me this. Was this before I got up this morning?”

“Yes. I fell asleep in Drew’s room, and I guess Gray must have just opened the door to ask Drew to have coffee with him first thing this morning . . . and there I was.”

Evelyn put her hands over her cheeks. “Oh, God, Carolina. Was he mad?”

“At first. You know, the whole overprotective-brother thing that we talked about. But then Drew talked to him, and I reminded him I wasn’t sixteen years old anymore. I think he’s all right.”

Evelyn nodded. “I’ll talk to him, too.”

“You don’t have to do that. You have enough on your plate to deal with.”

“It’s a long flight back to D.C. We’ll have time to talk about things besides the baby.” Evelyn stood. “Oh, God, I’m going to have a baby. How am I going to fit that into my life?”

Carolina came over and hugged her. “This is the life you wanted, the one you dreamed about. A husband and a family. You and Gray will make it work.”

“You’re right. We will make it work. As long as your father doesn’t fire me.”

Carolina laughed. “He’s not going to fire you. He thinks of you as another daughter. He loves you.”

“Wish me luck, then.”

“You won’t need it, but good luck.”

Carolina finished packing, then went downstairs. It was quiet. No doubt Evelyn and Gray were somewhere having a conversation with her parents. She found Drew watching a basketball game on television. She fixed herself a cup of tea, then sat down beside him.

“Hey,” he said, muting the television. “Where did everyone go?”

“No idea. Are you all packed?”

“Yeah. Are we flying out together tomorrow?”

“My flight is at ten thirty.”

“Mine, too.”

She smiled at that. “I figured my mother’s social secretary would put us on the same flight since we’re going to the same place. Do you have a home game next?”

“Unfortunately, no. We have two road games in a row. Then we come back home.”

“That’s too bad.”

“What about you?” he asked, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. “Is your staff coming back?”

She shook her head. “I gave them time off until after New Year’s.”

“That’s generous of you. So you’ll be toughing it out alone?”

“That’s okay. It’ll give me some quiet time to do some planning on advertising and take care of some of the myriad minor details I don’t have time to mess with when the staff is in.”

“A quiet way to settle back in after Christmas.”


“Maybe you can even take New Year’s Eve off.”

She paused and looked at him. “Are you asking me out?”

“Maybe. If I was, would you say yes?”

“Maybe. You know, it’s a little late in the game to be making New Year’s Eve plans.”

He grinned. “I have connections, you know.”

“You wouldn’t dare drag me out in the middle of Times Square, would you?”

“Where’s your sense of adventure, Miss Preston?”

“My sense of adventure wants nothing to do with the middle of Times Square on New Year’s Eve.”

He shook his head. “So is that a yes?”

She smiled. “Yes.”

The door to her father’s study opened, and her father was laughing, his arm linked with Evelyn’s as the four of them spilled out. Carolina wasn’t sure she’d ever seen her mother grin so much. And it looked like she’d been crying.

“What’s that about?” Drew asked.

“I think you’re about to find out.”

“Oh, good, Carolina, you’re here,” her mother said. “We have news.”

“Is that right? What kind of news?”

“I’ll let Gray and Evelyn tell you.” Her mother and father stood back.

“We’re pregnant,” Gray blurted out.

“Well, I’m pregnant,” Evelyn said with a wide grin. “But Gray helped get me that way.”

“What? This is awesome,” Drew said, going to Gray and giving him a big hug. “Congratulations, buddy.”


Carolina gave Evelyn a hug. Again. “I’m so thrilled for you both.” Then she hugged her brother.

“So it looks like the kids have set a date. The wedding will be in May.”

“I’ll definitely have a belly by then, but hopefully I won’t be grossly pregnant. The baby’s due in August.”

“And I don’t care, because I’m going to be a grandpa,” Mitchell said, beaming.

Champagne was uncorked, though Evelyn settled for juice, and toasts were made to the upcoming Preston baby. The family spent the rest of the afternoon celebrating and talking wedding plans. Carolina was shocked and humbled when Evelyn asked her to be her maid of honor. Of course she accepted immediately, and then she was doubly shocked when Evelyn asked if Carolina would make her wedding gown.

“Are you sure, Evelyn?”

“I can’t think of a better designer to make my dress.”

“Evelyn. There are a million designers who would love to make the wedding gown for the vice president’s daughter-in-law.”

“Yes, but I want you to do it. And you’ll be working with an expanding waistline. No easy task.”

Carolina laughed. “I can handle that, but I don’t want you to feel like you’re under any obligation. My feelings wouldn’t be hurt at all if you have a favorite designer you want to use.”

“I want you to do it. Unless you’re too busy. Then I’d completely understand. You have so much going on right now with Fashion Week and launching your line.” Evelyn sat back. “I didn’t even think of the imposition.”

Carolina took Evelyn’s hands in hers. “I’d be honored to make your gown. I already have ideas. In fact, let me go get my sketch pad and we can talk about it if you’d like.”

“Are you kidding? I’d love that.”

Carolina dashed upstairs and grabbed her sketch pad, then came back and sat with Evelyn. She roughed out a few sketches, allowing for Carolina’s expanding belly. With Evelyn’s suggestions, they came up with some ideas. It wasn’t yet refined but by the time they finished, they had at least a few options.

“I love these. They’re unique and beautiful for a spring wedding.”

“I’m so glad you like them. I’ll work on them some more and send you something more detailed later.”

“Take your time. You have other things to do—and now, so do I. In fact, I need to call my parents.” Evelyn grinned. “They’re going to be so thrilled.”

They hugged, and Evelyn went off to find Gray so they could do a video call with her parents.

Carolina wandered off and found Drew in the living room with her father, talking politics of all things. She leaned against the doorway listening to them argue current events. It was fascinating to hear him hold his own. He didn’t agree with everything her father stood for, in fact he deeply opposed some points. She knew her father would respect Drew’s viewpoint. And to Drew’s credit, he didn’t get angry, just listened to her father speak about the things he believed in and why. It was a very civil discussion and Drew was polite, but passionate, just as her father was.

She was impressed. When her father looked up and saw her, he smiled.

“Care to jump into the fray?” he asked.

Carolina grinned. “Not on your life. I’ve had way too many political arguments with you over the years. I know how many hours those can last.”

Her father laughed and stood. “Oh, come on. It was good practice in standing up for yourself and what you believe in. Unfortunately, I have a few calls to make, so I’ll have to leave the two of you.”

Her dad shook Drew’s hand. “If you ever decide to leave hockey and join politics, I’d say you have a good future ahead of you.”

Drew laughed. “I think I’m fine right where I am, sir, but I enjoyed the discussion.”

Her dad walked by and gave her a kiss on the cheek, then left and headed down the hall to his office, leaving her with Drew.

“Eventful Christmas Day,” he said.

“I’ll say.”

“So, it’s a pretty big deal for you to design Evelyn’s wedding dress, isn’t it?”

“It is.”

“Which means a lot for you to do with everything else you have going on. Can you handle it?”

“For family, I can handle it.”

He slung an arm around her shoulder. “Well, aren’t you just a superhero?”

She laughed. “Not quite. But I’m used to multitasking. And I work very well under pressure.”

“Do you? You mean like the pressure of one of your family members possibly walking in at any moment and catching me running my fingers up your leg?” He laid his hand on her thigh. It had been such a busy day, and she’d missed his touch. Part of her wanted to move away, but she was enjoying it too much.

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