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Melting the Ice

Page 21

“Why would Drew get me anything?”

“Because the two of you are in a relationship?”

Uh-oh. “No we’re not. He’s only here because I found out his family wasn’t going to be around for the holidays. And of course, because he’s Gray’s friend.”

Evelyn gave her a look. “Honey, this is me you’re talking to, not your brother. I see the way he looks at you, and the return looks you give him. You might be able to fool your mother and your brother, but I’ve had the hots for a guy before—your brother, as it was. I know when a woman is lusting after a man, and you are definitely in full-on lust mode.”

Defeated, she leaned back in the chair. “And I was hoping not to be so blatantly obvious about it.”

“Oh, it’s not obvious. At least not to everyone. You and Drew did a fine job last night of appearing like you weren’t even breathing the same air. But you smiled at him, and then he smiled at you, and I just so happened to be looking at both of you when that happened. Oh, the chemistry between the two of you is explosive.”

She sighed. “It is, isn’t it?”

“And you two share a history, if I recall. From back in college?”

“Yes. And not a good history, either.”

“I remember that somewhat contentious reunion last year here at the ranch. So you’ve forgiven him for how he treated you back then?”

Carolina shared Drew’s apology, and what had transpired between them since then.

“It sounds to me like he’s been trying to make amends.”

“It seems that way, but my career right now is vitally important to me. I don’t really want to get involved with anyone, least of all Drew.”

Evelyn nodded. “I understand. The timing of Gray and I getting involved couldn’t have been worse. But love happens when you least expect it to.”

“Love? We’re not anywhere close to being in love. This is just lust and an incredibly hot sexual attraction. It’ll burn itself out in due course.”

Evelyn gave her a lopsided smile. “Sure it will, honey.”

“Seriously, Evelyn. That’s all it is. I wanted him for so long back in college. And now that he’s reentered my stratosphere and seems genuinely interested in me, it just seems natural for me to want to take advantage, you know? There’s nothing else to it. We’re so cosmically different in every respect. He’s a hotshot athlete, and my future is in fashion. We have nothing in common other than the sex.”

“Right. And Gray and I were so well matched, what with me being in politics and him being in auto racing.” Evelyn gave her a pointed look.

“That’s totally different.”

Evelyn arched a brow. “Is it? People have fallen in love and have found a forever together with much less than what they do for a living as a foundation, Carolina.”

“I have zero intention of falling in love with Drew. So I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell your brother about this. I wouldn’t want anything to come between Gray and Drew’s friendship.”

“Of course. Anything you tell me stays strictly between the two of us, as long as it doesn’t directly harm Gray. And as far as I’m concerned, your relationship with Drew is none of his business.”

Carolina laid her hand over Evelyn’s. “Thank you.”

“Just be careful of your heart, Carolina. You might be surprised what could happen between you and Drew.”

“Honestly? I’d be very surprised if we’re still seeing each other after Christmas. Other than him being involved in my fashion line, we’re just using each other for sex.”

Evelyn laughed. “Well, at least enjoy that part.”

Carolina smiled. “I intend to.”

 • • •

DREW AND GRAY RETURNED SEVERAL HOURS LATER, their faces windburned. Obviously, they had been at the lodge playing golf.

“Was it cold?” Carolina asked as they grabbed a beer and took seats with her and Evelyn in the living room.

She’d finished up her wrapping and all the gifts now sat under the tree.

“Nah. Weather was in the sixties today. Just a little windy,” Drew said.

Gray grinned as he pulled Evelyn in closer. “Perfect day for golf. There were surprisingly a lot of people there. You’d think the place would be deserted, since it’s Christmas Eve.”

“No doubt all those men trying to hide out from last-minute shopping or wrapping duties,” Evelyn said with a nudge to Gray’s side.

“Ouch. And hey, I did my shopping weeks ago. If you’d check under the tree, you’ll see there are gifts for you.”

“Hopefully none of those gifts are toasters.”

Gray frowned. “Why the hell would I get you a toaster?”

Evelyn looked at Carolina, who laughed. “Why, indeed.”

Carolina’s mom and dad showed up about four. “Sorry we’re late, but we had such a nice time catching up with the Nelsons. And they’re coming over for the party tonight.”

Carolina stood. “I guess that means we should go get dressed.”

“Yes, we should, since the first guests will start arriving by six,” her mother said.

Christmas Eve had always been a special event at the Preston Ranch. Aunts, uncles, and cousins were going to be in attendance. Neighbors were invited, too, and since this year her father was the vice president, local media and special guests of the state would also be allowed in, though only briefly, to catch up on what Mitchell and Loretta Preston were doing to celebrate the holidays in their home state.

Which meant everyone was required to dress up. The house had been exceptionally decorated, though that was the norm every year, anyway. Carolina went upstairs, took a shower and did her hair and makeup, then selected a dress she’d made herself, a black cap-sleeved cocktail dress with a curved neckline. She wore her grandmother’s pearls and a pair of slinky silver heels. Conservative for a family party and for the daughter of the vice president, yet still fashionable.

The caterers had come in while Carolina had been upstairs getting ready. Hors d’oeuvres were set up, waiters and waitresses were milling about, and champagne was flowing.

She’d spent so much time immersing herself in work, that this was a nice interlude. Relaxing with her family and getting caught up on what everyone had been doing was a nice way to push work out of the way for a while.

And spending time with Drew wasn’t a bad thing, either, though her talk with Evelyn earlier was worrisome.

She wasn’t getting involved with Drew. She knew—and she was certain he felt the same way—that this was just fun and games. Just sex, and nothing more. They shared a mutual attraction that was going to burn itself out in a short period of time. Drew was the kind of guy who had a different woman every month. She’d read about him, had kept tabs on him over the years. He never had a serious relationship, and it seemed as if there were always reports about a new woman in his life, and never anything serious.

He didn’t do relationships, which suited her just fine, because she didn’t either. She focused solely on her career, and so did he. In that respect, they were perfect for each other.

She was already practicing in her head what she’d say to him after Christmas. He’d be on board. In fact, he likely had the same speech. After all, he was probably used to breaking up with women. He’d appreciate her practicality.

She turned and caught sight of a dark shape at the top of the stairs. Her breath caught as she recognized Drew, in a black suit that was most definitely not off-the-rack. It was cut too sharply, fit him too perfectly. His white shirt was crisp and tailored, the red tie a classic accompaniment for the season.

She inhaled and held her breath as he descended, not at all used to seeing him like this.

And she thought he wasn’t right for a suit? Dear God, he looked amazing, especially with the slight scruff across his jaw. A little sexy and daring to go with the classiness of the attire.

One of the waiters came by bearing a tray of champagne. As Drew came up beside her, he scooped up two glasses and handed one to her, then smiled.

“You look stunning,” he said. “One of your designs?”


“The way it fits you is sinful.”

“Thank you. It’s supposed to be family-appropriate and conservative.”

“Babe, nothing that hugs your body like that could ever be considered conservative.”

She couldn’t help but be pleased that he noticed. “Thank you. Again. And you look amazing.”


“Where did you get the suit?”

“I’ve had it for a while. Occasionally I have to play dress up, and the New York media can be tough. Plus, I dated a model once and she told me off-the-rack was shit and I needed to have a suit made for me.”

Carolina laughed. “It’s good that you can be taught about fashion.”

“I pick up things here and there.”

She could tell from the way he dressed. Even in casual clothes, he always looked good. “You’ll make a fine model for my line.”

“Good to know I won’t embarrass you.”

She took a sip of champagne. “Not with that body you won’t.”

“I see how it is. You’re just using me for my model physique. You don’t appreciate my brain or my superior hockey talents.”

“I do appreciate how smart you are.”

He laughed. “Come on, gorgeous. Introduce me to all the bigwigs here.”

She loved that he was comfortable in his own skin, that he wasn’t intimidated by the large crowd that had started to gather, including a doubled Secret Service team.

By nine p.m. the house was packed with people, many of whom Carolina knew, some she didn’t. But her parents, of course, knew everyone in attendance, and Carolina had no problem introducing herself to those she didn’t know. There were television personalities who’d finagled an invitation, as well as throngs of media willing to give up their Christmas Eve to be in attendance at the vice president’s personal residence.

She’d long ago lost sight of Drew as she was called away for family photographs and then an interview about her new fashion line, which she was glad to do. Anything to bring attention to her work was a good thing, even though she was asked the typical questions.

“Miss Preston, with your family money, connections, and of course, now that your father is the vice president, do you think it will be difficult for your fashion line to be taken seriously?”

“Miss Preston, do you believe the fashion world will have a hard time believing someone of your background is all that serious about fashion, given that many will think you’ve bought your way into your own line?”

“Miss Preston, how much influence has the Preston name, money, and the vice president had on launching your line?”

She had to smile and grit her teeth through all the insulting questions, and explain that she went to college and majored in fashion design, that it was her dream to be a fashion designer long before her father ever became the vice president, and that she had worked for several designers as an apprentice, seamstress, and assistant designer before she ever decided to launch her own line, and that she may have the financial resources, but she believed she also had the talent to design. And that come Fashion Week, she hoped she’d be able to prove that.

What she wanted to tell them all was that she’d paid her dues, she’d worked hard, and she’d proven herself a capable designer. She also wanted to tell them all to shove it, but she had to be polite. The media could make or break a fashion designer, and being a rude bitch wouldn’t gain her any favors.

When she finally managed to pull herself away, she found the nearest waiter and grabbed another glass of champagne. She headed down the hall into one of the private rooms off-limits to guests. After two rather large swallows and several deep breaths, she had managed to calm down, though not nearly enough.

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