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Melting the Ice

Page 11


“Don’t what? Don’t hold you like this, or don’t think about you?”

She didn’t know which way to answer. She didn’t know what to think. Right now she wasn’t thinking, because Drew’s hard body pressed against hers. She reached up and palmed his chest.


“Hey, are you two going to stare into each other’s eyes all night, or are you going to play pool?”

Thank God for Stella. Drew moved away, and Carolina took a breath.

“Definitely play pool,” Carolina said, picking up a cue and moving back to the table.

After she took her shot, she moved alongside Stella.

“So what was going on over there?” Stella asked.

“We were just talking.”

“With what? Your tongues?”

Carolina laughed. “There were no tongues involved.”

“I don’t know about that. I could feel the heat transfer all the way over here. You two have something hot going on.”

“We have nothing going on.”

“But he wants to get it on.”

Carolina rolled her eyes. “Honestly, Stella. I think you’re the one who needs to get laid.”

Stella eyed Trick’s butt as he bent over to take a shot. “You’re right about that. But it has nothing to do with you and Drew.” She took a long swallow of beer, then turned to Carolina. “Don’t hesitate, honey. Take what’s so obviously being offered. Sex is fun, you know.”

She did know that. Sex was fun.

And oh, so complicated.

But maybe it didn’t have to be. After all, Drew had offered her a no-strings romp. So why not take it and ease some of the tension tightening her muscles? She already knew how good it could be between them. This time she wouldn’t be timid and inexperienced. She’d be relaxed and could enjoy herself.

She didn’t have time to cultivate a relationship with someone new. And actually, the last thing she needed right now was something complicated.

With Drew, she’d know exactly what she was getting—or rather, not getting. He was easygoing, and he didn’t want a girlfriend. He wanted to get in her pants. She would certainly enjoy getting in his again. Then she could get back to work, a lot more relaxed.

She searched the room and found him at the bar, chatting it up with one of the guys from his team. As if he had some kind of psychic connection to her, he lifted his head and turned it her way, then smiled at her, as if he knew what she’d been thinking about.

She took a deep breath and smiled back.

It was on.


THE GROUP HAD STARTED TO THIN OUT AS THE NIGHT wore on. It was late, and some of the guys headed out.

After a while it was only Drew and Carolina and Stella and Trick. It was obvious that Trick was into Stella, and Drew got the feeling Stella was into him, too, since they had hung together since the start of the night. Though he hadn’t paid all that much attention since his focus had been on Carolina.

Now Stella and Trick were huddled together at the bar, their foreheads nearly touching as they talked and laughed, which left Carolina and Drew to stick it out together, since it was obvious Carolina wasn’t leaving without her friend.

Though, knowing Trick as well as Drew did, he didn’t think Stella would be leaving with Carolina tonight.

“Need another glass of wine?” he asked.

Carolina shook her head. “No, I’m already woozy enough and I’m going to have one hell of a hangover tomorrow while I work. I should have said no to the last . . . two glasses.”

She wasn’t slurring, so she held her liquor well enough. He signaled for the bartender. “Maybe a club soda?” he asked her.

“Great idea.”

He ordered one for her and another beer for himself.

Stella slid from her stool and came over.

“I’m heading out.”

“Oh,” Carolina said. “Let me get my coat.”

Stella grinned. “No, you stay here. Trick is going home with me tonight.”

Drew liked Stella. Very straightforward. Nothing coy about this woman.

He stood and held out his hand. “Great meeting you, Stella.”

“You too, Drew. I trust you’re going to take care of my girl and see that she gets home okay?”

“You can count on it.”

Carolina hugged Stella. “Call me tomorrow?”

“Of course. You two have fun and be safe.”

“You, too.”

Stella laughed. “Honey, I’m always safe.”

“Later, Trick,” Drew said.

Trick dipped his head and smiled. “Later.”

Trick threw an arm around Stella and they headed out the door.

“Surprised?” Drew asked.

“About what?”

“Stella hooking up with Trick.”

She took a sip of her club soda. “Not in the least. Stella knows what she wants and goes after it with a vengeance.”

“Jealous, then?”

She laughed. “No. Well, maybe a little. She’s very confident and always has been.”

“You’re always confident. It’s one of the things I like most about you.”

She took another drink. “I wasn’t always that way.”

“Yeah? When were you ever not confident?”

“Like . . . always.”

“You were bold enough to come after me in college. I liked that so much about you. So many girls back then . . . I mean they were bold, but not in the way you were.”

She leaned back against the stool and swiveled around to face him. “Care to elaborate on that one?”

“Yeah. They flirted, but they expected me to be the one to do the chasing, to ask them out, to coax them into bed. It had to be my idea, you know? It was nothing more than a game. But with you, it was so different.”

“Don’t remind me.”

He laughed. “No. It wasn’t like that. At least not for me. You were like the only drop of water in a desert. You stood out to me because you were so fresh and so beautiful. There was no pretense with you.”

“You do realize I was drunk off my ass that night.”

“So? You were honest. You didn’t slide up to me and rub your br**sts against me, and then act all innocent. You boldly asked if I’d take you to bed.”

He saw her grimace, knew that memories of that night made her uncomfortable. But he wanted her to have good memories, not bad ones. “Carolina, I loved everything about that night. I still remember every minute of it.”

She lifted her gaze to his. “So do I.”

“But how do you remember it?”

“What do you mean?”

“I remember it as a hot, sweet night where this beautiful young woman propositioned me and gave me a gift I’ll never forget. She was so sweet, so innocent, and yet oh, so sexy. And we spent an amazing night together, a night I’ve thought about a lot over the years.”

She took a deep breath, looked away for a few seconds, then met his gaze again. “For a while I tried not to think about it at all. I felt like I’d made a mistake. I was so heartbroken. But that was youth, and fantasies. After a while I got past it. And yes, I do think about that night.”

“I’m sorry I hurt you.”

“I know you are.”

He signaled to the waiter, who brought the tab for him to sign. He grabbed her jacket and held it for her while she slid her arms in. They headed outside and he hailed a taxi.

“Your place or mine?” he asked.

“Isn’t yours closer? I’d like to see it.”

He nodded and gave the driver his address. It was a short ride to his brownstone, especially this late at night with less traffic on the streets. He paid the driver and they got out.

“This is nice, Drew.”

“Well, it’s not your place, so don’t expect much.”

She laced her arm in his. “I’m not expecting anything.”

He could tell she was buzzed and a lot more relaxed than the last few times they’d been together.

Which he liked. He wanted her to have a good time. He just hoped he’d remembered to pick up the place before he left for his game.

They walked up to the second floor. Drew took his time. He liked Carolina leaning against him. He pulled out his keys and unlocked the door, then flipped on the light, exhaling as he saw the place. That’s right. He’d just had it cleaned yesterday, so it wasn’t its normal disaster.

She slid out of her coat and hung it on the rack by the door. “This is nice, Drew.”

“Thanks. Just a one-bedroom. Kind of small. Like I said, nothing fancy like your place.”

And it wasn’t. It was a simple, one-bedroom apartment. He had some basic furniture, a sofa and a couple chairs. He had a killer TV and gaming system, of course, but this wasn’t home to him. It was where he stayed during the season.

“You want something to drink? I have water, pop, and . . . beer. No wine. Sorry.”

“Water would be great, thanks.”

Drew grabbed two bottles of water from his refrigerator, opened the tops and handed one to her.

“Thank you,” she said.

Carolina walked around his living room, then down the hall, opening the door to his bedroom.

Okay, they were going there. He was going to ease into it, maybe turn on the television or play some music.

She stared at his king-size bed. There wasn’t room for much else in the small apartment, but there was no way in hell he was sleeping on some cramped, tiny bed, so he’d opted for the bed and a nightstand and shoved the dresser in the closet.

“Big bed.”

“I’m a big guy.”

She glanced at the bare walls before turning to face him. “And I love how you’ve decorated the place.”

“Thanks. It’s my specialty.” He took a long swallow of water, then leaned against the doorway. “I don’t spend a lot of time here. Just sleeping, mainly.”

“This place isn’t home to you.”

She was observant. “No.”

She was also holding back, hesitant. He wanted to go to her, touch her, pull her into his arms and kiss her. Oh, man, he really wanted to kiss her. But he wanted her to come to him, to feel comfortable about being here with him.

This had to be her call. He knew how resistant she had been to him, and her sudden turnaround had surprised the hell out of him. If she had any reservations, the last thing he’d do was push her into doing something she really didn’t want to do.

She wandered into the room. “The bed is the focal point.”

“Yeah. I don’t need a lot of furniture.” He smiled at her. “I’m a guy. I just need a place to crash.”

She walked along the side of the bed and traced the tips of her fingers across the comforter. “It’s a nice bed, Drew.”

“It’s comfortable.”

She set her water down on the nightstand and climbed up on the bed, then unzipped her boots, letting them drop to the floor. “Care to join me on it?”

He pushed off the doorway and came toward the bed, then sat next to her, putting his water on the table. He picked up her hand, held it in his. “Warm.”

She lifted her gaze to his. “Hot, actually.”

“Just how much have you had to drink tonight?”

She let out a soft laugh. “I’ve had some. I’m not drunk, if that’s what you’re asking, so I know exactly what I’m doing here.”

He toed off his boots and shifted, sliding onto the middle of the bed. He grabbed Carolina by the waist and pulled her on top of him, liking the feel of her soft body against his. “Yeah? And what are you doing here?”

She wriggled against him, resting her arms on his chest. “Getting comfortable.”

He wrapped an arm around her and rolled her over, putting her under him. “I’m not sure I want you so comfortable you’ll fall asleep.”

“Mmm, I like this.” She threw her legs over him, tightening her thighs around his and arching upward.

His dick went from semi-hard to full-on, oh-yeah-let’s-do-this-right-now erect. He cupped her face and brushed his lips across hers. “So, you want me to make you uncomfortable?”

“Yes. Very uncomfortable.”

He put his mouth on hers and this time, took the kiss he’d wanted to take since the minute he’d seen her walk into the bar tonight. Deep, satisfying, locking tongues with her.

And she gave back, with no hesitation, wrapping her arms around him to tug him closer. He wound his fingers into her hair, loving the way the strands felt like silk, the way her body seemed to fit his perfectly, the way she moved against him as he kissed her.

His heart pounded as hard as his dick and he lost himself in her scent, the way she felt as he moved his hand along her rib cage to slide under her sweater. He needed the feel of na**d flesh under his hand, and when she moaned against his mouth, he couldn’t hold back the primal surge of hunger that made him rock his c**k between her legs.

He slid his hand upward to cup her breast over the soft satin of her bra. He waited for her to tense, to let him know in any way she wasn’t ready for this. All he got was another moan and an arch of her back as she filled his hand with the soft mound.

He raised her sweater and moved down her body so he could touch his lips to her skin. He kissed her stomach, unable to get enough of her scent, breathing her in as he snaked his way up her rib cage. He bunched up the sweater and she grabbed it, raising it over her head and discarding it, then lifting up on her elbows to watch him.

“We should get na**d,” she said. “This will go much faster.”

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