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Megan's Mark

Page 32

Her eyes narrowed in response to his declaration.

"I'm not a puppy to order around, Braden," she informed him coolly.

"That is not our most pressing problem anyway. That hormone shit of yours has got to be addressed."

It was too much. Her earlier defiance of him had crossed a boundary he hadn't known existed for him. And now this.

Before she could do more than gasp, he was on her. The fingers of one hand wrapping in her hair as he pulled her head back fiercely, his head lowering, his lips claiming hers.

Braden allowed his tongue a quick lick at her lips before nipping them open. Then he speared it deep into her mouth, wrapping around hers as he felt her lips enclose it, heard her moan of arousal.

The swollen glands along the underside pulsed and throbbed as they spilled their sweet narcotic into her mouth, priming her, preparing her. And she took it eagerly even as she searched for more.

Tonight she had to learn who led, and who must follow. Tonight, she would learn who was alpha, and who was beta. Tonight, she would become more than just his mate. Holding her to him, his free hand smoothed down the arch of her back to the tempting curves of her ass.

The hunger that swept through him as his fingers cupped one cheek shook him to his core.

What he needed he had never needed from a woman before. The ultimate submission, a primal acceptance of his dominance. And by God, he would have it. His fingers tightened on the curve as his other hand slid from her hair to the opposite cheek, gripping it, slowly spreading her as she went on her tiptoes, her nails biting through the fabric of his shirt as she moaned weakly into his mouth.

He thrust his tongue between her lips slowly, pumping into her mouth as he fought to drain the last of the swollen heat from his tongue. He wanted her to take it all, needed her to. He wanted her wild, as mad for the sexual intensity as he was. As desperate for his touch as he was to give it.

"Braden. God, what are you doing to me?’ She held on to him as his lips slid from hers, his hands clenching at her ass, spreading the cheeks, allowing her to feel the fiery pleasure of the tiny entrance there being spread minutely.

He didn't answer her. Instead, he picked her up in his arms before leaving the room and moving quickly up the stairs. He had already laid out what he needed on her bedside table, preparing for what would come tonight.

Megan stared into his harsh, savage features, amazed at his sexuality. The expression on his face should have been frightening. The way his eyes glittered with fierce hunger, the harsh angles of his face that were only revealed by rage, or this this primitive air of dominance.

It shook her to the core. He was furious. She had known he was furious the moment he bit her, his teeth sinking into her shoulder, attempting to hold her still as his hand moved quickly over her body after the wreck.

And he hadn't gotten over it either. She had felt it building, altering, deepening inside him as he endured his examination.

The sensations had reached out to her from his room, even as she fought with her family. Building an arousal inside her that even the hormone that filled his kiss couldn't compete with.

"I thought I could drain this need for you." He growled as he entered her bedroom and tossed her on her bed, staring down at her fiercely. "When I jacked off for those fucking tests, I thought I could spill the fear and anger into that fucking vial and ease this need inside me." He jerked his shirt over his head and tossed it away before removing his boots just as quickly.

Megan could only stare up at him, shocked by the deep baritone of his voice as much as she was shocked by his words and her reaction to

them. She imagined him lying in her guest room, his thick cock enclosed by his fingers as he stroked himself, and she felt her juices sliding thickly from her overheated cunt.

His pants came off next. Megan swallowed tightly at the sight of the plum-colored crest, the angry throb of the tight, hard flesh. Oh yes, he was in full rage, a Mating rut she wondered if either of them would survive.

"Come here." He knelt on the bed, his hand gripping her hair, pulling her to him.

She knew what he wanted. They could discuss his means of achieving it later, as well as the repercussions that could result. She hadn't forgotten the doctor's information. But she hadn't forgotten the taste of him either. And she needed the taste of him.

Her lips opened, stretching around the thick head as it slid into her mouth.

"Oh yes," he growled. "Suck my dick, baby. Suck it deep while I play with these pretty tits."

She whimpered around the flesh as he jerked her gown up, his hands cupping her breasts, his fingers tweaking and pulling at the hard nipples. Sensation speared from the hard points to her clit as she sucked

ravenously at his cock, her hands stroking the hard shaft as she moaned hungrily. She arched into his hands as his erection thrust in shallow strokes against her lips.

The blood rushed through her body, sizzling in her veins as she felt the hormone adding strength to her arousal. It amazed her, feeling it as she did, rushing across her nerve endings, sensitizing her flesh, making her bum.

Her fingers stroked over the hard length of his cock as she sucked and licked at the throbbing head, moaning at the taste of him. Fresh. Wild. The taste of a storm at sea.

"Beautiful." Her eyes opened, lifting to stare up at him.

A tight grimace revealed the lethal incisors at the sides of his mouth as he watched his cock fuck slow and easy into her mouth. She swiped at the underside with her tongue and watched his eyes flare. On the next thrust she curled her tongue, reaching for the other side of his cock where the barb pulsed just beneath the silken flesh. The hard flesh jerked in her grip as a primitive growl left his lips. The harsh rumble speared through her, convulsing her womb, clenching in her pussy and sending her juices to saturate the swollen lips beyond. His hands clenched in her hair, holding her still for each penetration past her lips.

"Enough." The harsh command had her struggling in his grip, fighting to keep the pulsing head of his erection between her lips.

Within seconds, he had her stripped of her robe and short gown. Naked, her body damp with perspiration and tingling with the need for his touch, she knelt on the bed before him.

"You're mine," he stated then, demanding. dominant. "Do you understand me, Megan'? Mine. You will not disobey me in such a way again." The tone of his voice penetrated the sexual haze fogging her mind.

"In your dreams, bad boy." she cooed.

Braden stiffened. Her gaze flickered to his cock as a hum of appreciation slipped past her lips. It looked harder, flushed and thick and eager for her touch. She reached out for it, only to frown as Braden caught her hands, holding them back from his flesh.

"Lie to me, Megan." He snarled. "Tell me you will obey next time. That you will never do anything so foolish again."

Yeah. Right. That lie would send lightning whipping through both of them.

She pursed her lips instead and sent him a soft, blowy kiss.

"How about I promise to be careful instead? There wasn't a chance in hell she was going to promise to give up the freedom she had found with him.

His eyes narrowed. The look sent wracking shudders working through her body as her womb convulsed at the promise of retaliation.

"How about I show you why you will obey me next time?" His voice was deep, brooding. So sexually rough it nearly stole her breath.

"Hmm, why don't you just go right ahead and give it your best shot, sweetie." She moved, stretching out on the bed as she ran her hand along her stomach, stopping a scant breath from the damp curls between her thighs. "I'm sure I'll pay attention."

She knew she should have been worried. Wasn't there some saying about waking a sleeping lion? No, tiger. She smiled slowly at the thought as she watched his eyes darken, heard the dangerous, primal growl that left his chest. Whatever.

Her fingers moved lower, ruffling the soft curls between her thighs as he watched eagerly. Maybe she could just make him forget about punishment. Her fingers dipped in further as her eyelids fluttered at the pleasure.

"Keep going." His fingers curved around his cock, stroking slowly as she dipped into her saturated slit.

"Show me what you like, baby. Then I'll show you what you get."

She gasped as her fingers circled her clit, her hips jerking as fire raced through her belly.

"Let me touch you too,'' she begged, dying to feel his cock spurting in her mouth, the wild taste of his semen sending her careening past arousal, past pleasure.

"How about I do this instead." He came down beside her, lying close on his side as his head bent to one hard, upthrust nipple.

She nearly screamed as his teeth nipped at the tender point at the same instant his hand covered hers, pressing her fingers more snugly against her cunt.

"Pleasure yourself," he ordered roughly. "I want you wild, Megan. Go wild for me, baby."

Her fingers speared the swollen tissue of her pussy as her back arched from the bed. It was incredible. His mouth at her breast, suckling the dark point to painful awareness as her own fingers sank into her sensitized vagina.

She shook, trembled as powerful jolts of sensation sizzled through her. Her palm pressed against her clit, increasing the pressure, the pleasure, until the sizzling currents turned into a fireball, sweeping over her, leaving her gasping.

"So pretty." He growled, giving her nipple a parting lick before kissing his way down her stomach as he lifted her fingers from the swollen flesh she had caressed.

A whimpering moan left her lips as he brought her fingers to his mouth, licking the slick juice from them before laying her hand at her side and moving lower.

Megan could only watch as he spread her thighs and moved between them. His head dipped low, his tongue swiping through the drenched slit. He raked it tenderly over the painfully sensitive nubbin of her clit. Her hips jerked as a startled gasp left her lips and the fires began to build again. She couldn't get enough of him; even in the heat of danger her body craved his, creamed for him, and never let her forget where pleasure could be found.

"Shhh" The soft, crooning quality of his voice made her realize that the gasping, mewling cries echoing around her were her own.

Despite the release, she was only burning hotter now. Wilder. She could

feel the arousal, the heady lust pouring through her, demanding ease.

"I can't wait." Her hands gripped his hair, desperate to end the teasing licks and soft touches he was bestowing on her. She wanted it hard. fast. She wanted him now.

"You will wait anyway." His hands gripped her thighs as he settled himself more securely between her legs. "Just a little bit longer, baby, and you can have what we both need."

His tongue slid through the swollen, needy flesh teasingly.

"Teasing me to death isn't going to get you what you want." But her hands wrapped in his hair anyway as pleasure washed over her, through her. Each touch was better than the one before it. Each took her higher.

"You taste as sweet as spring, as hot as summer." He growled as she felt his fingers stroking the entrance to her vagina, teasing, tempting.

She arched into the touch, desperate for more. When his finger slid inside at the moment his lips covered her clit, she was certain she would find release. She poised on the edge of it, straining closer.

"Damn you, Braden," she cried furiously as his finger slid free, dipped in again, dragged out, pulling the wet heat of her juices free as he did so.

She could feel the damp warmth easing along her flesh as it flowed lower, encouraged by his diabolical fingers, to heat the sensitive flesh between her rear cheeks.

She shuddered, unwilling to give credence to the pleasure that subtle caress brought her. Blood thundered through her veins as his fingers followed, stroking, pressing.

"Braden." Her hands tightened in his hair as fear lent a new dimension to the pleasure rushing through her.

He stilled, but his finger didn't move. ns class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7451196230453695" data-ad-slot="9930101810" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true">

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