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Marti Talbott's Highlander Series, Book 1

Page 86

"Nay," said Kevin. "You will locate them and report back to me. If they need to be rescued, the lads will do it."

Rachel was sure she could save the children all by herself, but she didn't argue. "I will do as you say."

"How did they not notice you?" Connor was brave enough to ask.

She grinned at her sister, "I stole one of their plaids."

"Do you still have it?" asked Anna.

"Aye and two more. I also have..."

Kevin interrupted her. "Is the list of your stolen property very long?"

"Very, very long, I am afraid." She studied his face to see if he was getting mad. He didn't seem to be, but it wasn't always easy to see on the men's faces -- all except Connor. She always knew when he was riled. In fact, he was riled most of the time. She sighed at the thought.

"I will go with her," said Connor.

She spun around and glared at the one man she detested most. "You will not! You will only hinder me."

Anna tried not to smile, "She is right, she will have enough to worry about without having to protect you."

Connor was deeply insulted. "It is I who will protect her."

Kevin held up his hand to silence them and noticed Justin's nod of consent. Justin was Kevin's second in command and a wise man. He was also Rachel's stepfather. Kevin took Rachel in his arms, hugged her and then stood her back. "Go and prepare. Be sure to tell your mother. I will not have her upset when she discovers you gone."


"Rachel, do you know how to find your mother's secret?"

She knew exactly what he was talking about and quickly nodded. She hugged her sister and then ran out the heavy wooden door.

"God be with you," Anna breathed and then headed up the stairs to pray beside her bed. She would likely be there the whole night and expected her mother to join her soon.

Connor kept staring at Kevin. He hoped Kevin would give his nod and let him go with Rachel. If the Fergusons committed the murders, they would be expecting someone to come and he did not want Rachel to go alone.

Kevin didn't give Connor permission to go. Instead, he sent his youngest son to bed and asked Justin for an accounting of all the families brought inside the wall over the last few hours. Not all of them were accounted for and there was a lot left to do; the outside families needed to be fed and sheltered. They also needed to bring more water inside the wall, so Kevin gave orders, one right after another to the other men.

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