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Marti Talbott's Highlander Series, Book 1

Page 79

How did Connor get so close before she heard him or felt his nearness? It had never happened before -- not even once. Was he getting better or was she getting worse? She decided she would have to give that some very careful consideration later. One thing she was sure of, it would never happen again.

Rachel turned her attention to guessing who might have been in the forest with them. She hadn't smelled anything except horse sweat and that didn't tell her much. Everyone rode horses and everyone sooner or later got horse sweat on their clothing. Fergusons smelled worse than most men, but even they bathed occasionally. What she wondered next worried her most. Was it the English?

The MacGreagor land was long rather than wide and some imaginary line two days ride to the south separated the two nations. Most Highlanders had little use for the English and the English normally left the MacGreagors alone. Surely, they couldn't come this far north without someone noticing, and if it ever happened, Kevin would send men to warn everyone outside the wall.

Kevin insisted they learn as much of the English language as possible. He often said being able to understand them could save lives. It was easy for Rachel since her mother and sister were both English and it was their first language.

She knew Connor didn't know that much English. She often spoke it when she was annoyed with him, and he never seemed to understand what she was saying. At least, she could do that better than he could.

When Connor finally appeared at the edge of the forest smiling and leading a young filly, she rolled her eyes. Of course, it was a horse! What smelled more like a horse than a horse? She was extremely upset with herself for not even suspecting. He tricked her…she was sure of it. War with the Fergusons wasn't the only thing Connor would have to worry about. He'd just shot the first arrow in a war with Rachel! In a huff, she turned and marched across the bridge.

Just inside the wall, Charlet was waiting as usual. Charlet was two years younger than Rachel, and she aimed to marry Connor if it was the last thing she did. As was her habit, Rachel winked as she walked by to let Charlet know Connor was coming.

Charlet had just enough time to wet her fingers and pat her unruly red hair down before he rounded the corner. Her grin was wide, her green eyes sparkled and she couldn't help asking, "Have you a new horse?"

"Nay." Connor answered, walking right by her as he led the horse toward the stable.

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