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Marti Talbott's Highlander Series, Book 1

Page 64

"Anna, turn around."

"No, I want to hear what your sister has to say." But Katie stopped talking. Then she heard a small voice behind her say, "My Anna." She spun around so fast, she nearly toppled over. "Rachel?" She ran to her mother and soon, mother and daughter were hugging, kissing, and nearly squishing Rachel between them.

"My Anna," the little girl announced again.

Anna moved away and fully intended to take Rachel out of her mother's arms, but the child reached for Justin instead. He was more than happy to take her and lifted her high in the air until she giggled.

Anna wanted to introduce her to Katie, but her mother turned to look at the closed door. The room grew quiet and the guests parted when Catherin slowly moved toward it. Anna motioned for the guard to move away and followed her mother.

Catherin paused and for a very long time she stared at the handle. Her hand was shaking, but she finally managed to get a firm hold on it and began to pull. It was a heavy door and Kevin thought to help her, but Anna shook her head. Catherin added her other hand and when the door opened, a look of sheer joy crossed her face. She let the guard hold the door open for her and headed out.

In the light of a full moon, the dark courtyard was a dusty blue when Catherin walked straight across it until she reached the raised drawbridge and stopped. Behind her, Anna and all thirty-one guests followed. With Kevin's nod, the bridge began to lower and as soon as it was secure, Catherin glanced back, spotted Rachel sitting on Justin's shoulder and then started across.

"Is she going back to England?" Justin whispered to Kevin.

"If she is, it seems we are all going with her."

Catherin turned toward the meadow where Threcher was grazing. When they reached the crest, the crowd stopped to watch. Anna hurried to catch up, and without a word, took her mother's hand and made her stop. Then she let go, moved away, reached both of her arms out with her palms up and slowly began to spin. In a few seconds, her mother did the same.

"What are they doing?" asked Kevin.

Katie answered, "They are tasting freedom. Anna did the same thing when we finally let her out."

Athena said, "A MacGreagor did this to them and it will be MacGreagors who set it right." Everyone nodded.

Anna grabbed her mother's hand and pointed. The horse was turning around and around and when she saw it, Catherin burst out laughing. Soon mother and daughter were laughing so hard, they had to sit down in the meadow.

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