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Marti Talbott's Highlander Series, Book 1

Page 181

"We hope not. Her injury is to her arm and she is being moved. I know you feel put upon by our need to constantly use you, but what you do helps keep her safe. If I did not believe that, I would not ask it of you. 'Tis important to let the clans think Charlet is here."

Kenna was confused. "But the English know she is not and they are the ones trying to kill her."

"Aye, but at least she only has to hide from the English. We do not want her also plagued by every laird in the Highlands wanting to marry her."

Kenna took a deep breath and brushed away her tears. "You are right. I am sorry for my weakness and I will be strong again, I promise."

Ferguson finally spoke up. "Forgive me for interrupting, but I believe Kenna has agreed to take a walk with me. Perhaps it will do her good."

Kevin smiled and nodded his approval. "Take her toward the loch and keep her out of sight. We worry someone will try to take her."

"I would never let that happen."


She was upset and Shaw Ferguson just let her walk it out. He moved tree limbs out of her way and watched to be sure she wouldn't fall, but he never said a word.

Finally, Kenna felt like talking, "I am glad you were there. I was wondering how I would tell you. Charlet has red hair, but mine is yellow, that is if this red ever washes out."

"I will prefer you no matter what color your hair is. How many marriage proposals have you turned down?"

"First there was an old lad, then a young one, a terribly thin lad, six more I hardly remembered and today, one with no teeth. I am beginning to see why they do not have wives. And they all say the same thing. She lowered her voice and tried to sound like a man, "I will have Charlet. They say it as though they demand their evening meal -- I will have mutton."

He chuckled, offered his hand and helped her step over a log. "You look tired, would you like to sit down for a while."

Kenna glanced at his face and remembered why she wanted to avoid his magnificent eyes. "I did not realize I was tired until just then. I should not have raised my voice to him."

"I think you were being very brave."

"I am not brave, I am terrified. If I offend one of them, as I nearly did today, I could start a war."

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