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Marti Talbott's Highlander Series, Book 1

Page 176

It was getting dark and both Blair and Bridget were exhausted. They were back in the thicker forest and the only place to protect them from the approaching rain was under a tree. So Blair stopped, tied his horse and spread the plaid out for her to wrap up in. Then he pulled the flask from his belt and let her drink. The last thing he did was sit down beside her with his back against the tree.

"Is this our new home?"

"Go to sleep, Charlet."


"Go to sleep, Bridget."

She sighed. "'Tis not easy having three names."


"Aye. My real father must have given me one when I was born, but who knows what that is. I do not know his name either, or my real mother's name. All I know is that the king gave me to Kevin when I was a baby. He said my mother was dead, but he did not mention my father. I wonder what she was like, my real mother, I mean. What color was her hair, was she tall like me or..."

He smiled when she finally yawned and drifted off to sleep. With no sleep for most of two days, he was tired enough to drop in his tracks, but he couldn't seem to relax and close his eyes. His question was the same one Kevin and Thomas were sure to ask -- who told the English where to find them? He wanted to break every bone in the man's body. A traitor always wants something in return, but what? Land, jewels, gold and power were the only things he could think of.



"I should not have done that and I am sorry. I did not believe I was in danger and I meant to run away from you."

"I know. That makes you the most stubborn, mule-headed, horse's rear end I have ever met."

She grinned and went to sleep.

The next day, Laird Thomas Cameron and his two man guard quickly rode down the hillside, through the trees, across the meadow, and then over the drawbridge. Thomas jumped down and hurried up the steps of the Keep. When he yanked open the door, Kevin was surrounded by women with red hair.

Kevin smiled. "Welcome..." As soon as he noticed the look on his old friend's face, he knew something was wrong. "You will leave me," he commanded. The women quickly obeyed and soon the two men were alone in the great hall.

"I have a traitor." Thomas was furious and could hardly contain himself. "Three Englishmen found Charlet and shot her in the arm. Blair killed two but the third got away. Blair thought only of getting her to safety and did not give chase."

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