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Marti Talbott's Highlander Series, Book 1

Page 170

Blair's brother signaled something back, but by then Charlet was no longer interested. She wasn't feeling well and her arm hurt. Before, she was kneeling beside Blair, but then she sat down and held her lower arm. Even being thrown by a horse didn't hurt this much. She hoped she wouldn't, but then hoped she would pass out.


Anna had been gone nearly six days and was relieved to see her home in the distance, but when she neared, the bridge was up. Her guard halted. Gordon, Kevin's third in command, could see no enemy, but the bridge was normally down in the daytime unless there was danger. He hadn't heard the long, low whistle the guards were supposed to let out when riders approach either, so he signaled for half the guard to take Anna into the forest. Then he cautiously walked his horse forward.

There were no MacGreagor guards on the top of the wall. In fact, there were no signs of MacGreagors at all. He kept going, glancing in all directions and trying to figure out where the danger was. Then he saw them.

In the meadow outside the wall, six men stood with their legs apart and their arms folded. Each had a guard and each wore plaids with different dominant colors. Connor was facing them trying to convince them of something.

Gordon whistled. Connor saw who it was and let out a long, slow whistle of his own. The bridge finally began to come down and as soon as it was in place, Gordon signaled and Anna was ushered inside the wall.

Connor walked across the bridge behind them and motioned for the guard to raise it again.

"What is happening?" Anna asked as Connor helped her off her horse.

"They want to marry Charlet. They kept coming in to look for her and we were forced to raise the bridge."

"Are they all lairds? I only recognize two of them."

Connor walked her up the steps to the Keep. "Aye, they are from clans I have never heard of. Your husband has been miserable without you."

"I have been miserable without him." The people were beginning to gather to welcome her and when she looked, at least a dozen young women had red hair. She couldn't help but laugh. Then she waved and started to go inside to find Kevin.

But Connor took hold of her hand before she could. "You have a nephew and your sister is fine."

Anna was thrilled and hugged him. "And are you fine as well?"

"I fear I will recover a bit slower than my wife."

"Do not worry, the first is the hardest." She smiled and opened the door.

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