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Marti Talbott's Highlander Series, Book 1

Page 163

"She said to say, her heart is hollow."

The king was greatly alarmed but he hid it well. "See the man is paid for his trouble."

"Does Your Majesty wish to reply?"

The king raised a hand to brush the man away, "I wish nothing to do with the woman. She is clearly out of her wits. Be gone with you."

The messenger backed up and bowed repeatedly until he was out of the king's sight.


Anna had been waiting in the clearing for two days. Surely, the king would come soon. She wanted to be back in Kevin's arms and she was worried Rachel would have her baby while she was away. There was nothing she could do but wait however, so she resigned herself to it.

Her guard constantly kept watch. Anna was their mistress, they loved her and they were not about to let anything happen. They were much too close to the border with England and anything was possible. So when they heard horses coming, they quickly hid Anna in the forest, drew their swords and got ready to fight.

They waited, watched the King of England boldly walk into the clearing alone and at length, let Anna go out to greet him. She curtsied to show her respect.


She did as he commanded and smiled. "I am Lady Anna Stoneham."

"Your husband is named Stoneham?"

"Nay, Stoneham was my father. Perhaps you remember my mother. You once said she had a smile that could make the birds sing."

"I only recall one woman I said that about. She was a lovely woman by the name of...good grief, you are Catherin's daughter. And you husband is..."

"Perhaps it would be unwise to speak his name."

"You are quite right, quite right indeed." He took off his crown and set it on the ground. "Blasted heavy, bothersome thing! Come closer, Anna, let me look at you. You keep your mother's beauty well. Tell me, is she..."

"She died a year ago this week. But because of you, she had the love of a good man and lived in peace. I thank you, my King."

"Do you also thank me for killing your father?"

"He was a cruel man who deserved to die. Will it shock you if I say I preferred to kill him myself?"

The king grinned and wrapped her hand around his arm. "Where is your guard?"

"Right behind you."

He turned around, saw the giants and turned back to Anna. "My guard is, no doubt, cowering in the woods."

She patted his arm and returned his grin. "They are very wise lads."

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