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Man Up

Page 97

"You have the power. You can make a change for the betterment of our community; for the betterment of our families. But change has a price. It's being accountable. Are you willing to stand up and be accountable?" Pausing for effect, he took his time to allow the audience to consider his words carefully. He walked around the podium and stood a little closer to the front audience attempting to connect personally with them. He wanted to appeal to the American spirit and heart of the people; giving them a sense of responsibility and oneness with each other and his political platform.

"Stand up for justice!" His arms shot straight up over his head with the momentum of his words. A soft murmuring of agreement began stirring among the voters.

"Government is not a few people dictating to the masses on how to run the city; but rather it is the people dictating to the leaders about how they want their community to thrive and prosper. I urge you today to stand up for leadership!" The audience soft murmuring slowly rose to a few applauds as the orator's words resonated with them. Jacob rewarded them with a brief smile and then his face went back into his previous fixed look. Slowly pacing to his left he looked out to the audience on that side. With outreaching stretching arms, he turned slightly to his right gesturing with his hand at his family who sat supportively behind him. He smiled as he said, "Stand up for keeping American families united." Markus, Lisa and Dinah stood showing support for their father's words.

"A united family means a united America." Markus, Lisa and Dinah began walking towards their father, standing on either side of him. Each one took one of his hands interlocking their fingers with his.

"The American family is the backbone of not only our closed knit community but also the great United States of the Americas. Family is what makes the American dream a dream come true. It is the heart of America." With Jacob's fiercely spoken heartfelt words, the audience was on its feet enthusiastically applauding its consensus. Jacob felt good with the vibe he was getting from them. He felt like winning the election was not only within his reach but also already decided in his favor.

"Now I'm nothing more than a humble man from humble beginnings who has led a humble life as a humble family man." He explained with a softer tone creating an intimate effect with his voice. "I believe that there is nothing more important than the family unit. Family is everything and our children are the future." His voice slightly rose with conviction and it was obvious that the audience was connecting with his message. Releasing his children's hands he eased his way back to the podium with them following a mere two steps behind. Once he had reached the platform, Markus and Dinah stood one step behind him on either side showing a united front.

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