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"Seriously do you have to record now?" Jacob asked Louise as she held the cam-cord video recording their first father and son bath together.

"Oh honey, memories… We've got to record the memories…" She explained to him as he gently took the washcloth and washed Markus back.

"Ah crap…" Jacob suddenly moaned at the slightly sleeping child.

"What?" Louise asked as she continued taping the event.

"He just farted in my face." He explained as he began making waving motions with his hands.

"Bhahahahahahahahahahahahaaaa…" Louise laughed uncontrollably at the sudden turn of events.

"Not funny…" Jacob pouted even though he too was laughing as his little son continued to pass gas in the water.

"Oh-oh, I think he's about to have a bowel movement." Louise suggested causing Jacob to give a questioning look.

"Think so?" He asked, however before she had a chance to reply; Jacob yelped: "Oh for crying out loud here it comes too…" Abruptly small baby feces began popping out of the baby's bottom into the tub of water and onto Jacob's naked leg. That proved to be Louise's undoing as she began doubling over in laughter at the comical situation.

"Don't stand there laughing… Get one of Dinah's diapers." He ordered helplessly stuck in the tub of water with baby pooping all over him and inside the tub. Louise stood there holding her side as she roared with laughter.

"Bhahhahahahahahahahahahaaaaa….. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…. Bhahahahahahahahahaa…" She laughed and laughed and then started gasping for air in-between the laughter.

"Louise! Help me!" He demanded while laughing himself at the situation. Louise was now kneeling down on the floor laughing so hard that she had to put down the camera. She laid it down on the lid of the toilet seat lid that was down.

"Hahahahahahahahahahaha…. Bhahahahahahahahahaaa….. Hahahahahahahahaaaa…" Louise howled over and over unable to stop the sudden burst of giggles that had overtaken her.

"Louise! Louise! Ew this is gross…" He called out while holding the baby up in the air and away from him. Little baby turds continued popping out as Jacob's frown grew long and Louise continued trying to gain her composure.

"I'm sorry…I'm sorry… I'm sorry." She apologized over and over still unable to get control of herself. Jacob holding the baby up and away from him was proving to be useless since the small turds kept coming out and falling all over him and the tub. He was thankful that they were solid fecal matter and not loose runny. Louise was now stretched out on the floor howling in laughter and tears. Jacob sat there defeated in his quest to get Markus in a diaper as the baby finished pooping all over him and in the tub.

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