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Man Up

Page 68

"C'mon man… There is nothing here for you; let's go."

* * * * * * * *

"Water! Juice!" The two teens called. The next day was business as usual. After they had left Mr. Ellis's house they made the long walk back to the bus stop. They caught the bus that dropped them off at the train station and then they waited an hour for the next train to arrive. There really was no proper public transportation system that far out in the 'burbs. Yesterday had been an adventure that had turned into a nightmare and now today they were back in their own reality.

"Get your ice cold water for the commute!" Jayden robotically called out doing his job. He was still numb from the shock of finding out the identity of his father. It seemed like something that would happen in a made up movie or even a book. It didn't seem likely or believable that every day while he had longed to meet and greet his father; that every day since the beginning of the summer of 1996, he had been meeting and greeting his father out in the streets; only it was as a customer of his.

"Man get your act together." Avery walked over chastising Jayden, who was still walking around zombie-like in a daze. It was plain to see that he was greatly troubled about yesterday and as his best friend, Avery didn't know how to fix it. For the first time in his young life he now understood the saying that "some things are best left undisturbed…" The only way that Avery could see a way out was to bury his friend with work and play. Hopefully with time Jayden would forget and it would lessen the pain.

"Sorry…" Jayden mumbled under his breath as he made a poor attempt at smiling.

"Cinnamon roll- muffins and Honey buns too…" He hollered out trying to shake off his foul mood.

"Ice cold tea- bananas and oranges…"

"Just waiting for you…"

The two teens worked the morning hour crowd as they hustled and bustled about dashing for the rush hour buses and trains.

"This is a Godsend… lemme get a couple bananas, and an O.J." The familiar voice came from out of nowhere causing them to stop cold in their tracks. Guardedly Avery watched his friend for a reaction as Jayden approached the man to take care of his order.

"S'up Mr. Ellis…" Jayden greeted in his usual as he was breaking off two bananas from the bunch and then bending down to take an orange juice from his ice-packed cooler.

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