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"Dang he looks just like Pokie…" Linda said agreeing with her mom. It had been a long time since Marla had heard that name- Pokie; Jacob's nickname. It made her involuntarily smile. It made her think back to the good times they used to share.

"He's gotten big… Girl how old is he now?" She asked as Marla bringing her back to attention.

"He's five… That was him… first day of school." Marla couldn't help but beaming at Jayden dressed in his smart black pants and neatly pressed white shirt.

"That's right; David was born the year before him." Linda said in retrospect thinking of her own son.

"As a matter of fact, he was asking about Jacob and wanted to meet him." Marla decided this was the segway that she was hoping for to broach the subject matter.

"Of course he should. Family needs to know each other. Bring him by so that he can come over and meet his dad's side of the family." Mrs. Ellis said convincingly causing Marla to raise an eyebrow at her over friendliness.

"Yup, He can meet his cousins David, Alexia and the rest of the brew." She said naming her own two children. David was about one year older than Jayden and Alexia had been born afterwards about three years ago.

"Well I was going to leave Jayden's contact information and any time that Jacob or you want to see him; feel free to call." Marla said as she passed Mrs. Ellis a slip of paper that she had filled out earlier with their home number and address and her personal cell phone number.

"Why certainly…" Mrs. Ellis said taking the piece of paper from Marla.

"Girl these old eyes… It's getting harder to see these days." She commented as she read the paper. "I'll pass this on to Jacob." She continued as she folded the paper up and slipped it into a pocket on her smock-dress that she was wearing.

"Linda, pass me a pen and a piece of paper." Mrs. Ellis directed her daughter. "Here I'll give you ours… and Jacob's too…" She volunteered as Linda scrimmaged around looking for a notepad that she found on a nearby book shelf and a pen lying next to it.

"Here mom…" she said passing her the items.

"Take this… The first number is Jacob's and address and the second one is mines." She explained to Marla as she scribbled the information on the notepad.

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