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"Ugh-Ugh-ugh…" He coughed and sputtered a little at attempting to catch his breath. Then he twisted a little to his right and then a little to his left before finally settling in the tub by turning completely onto his stomach and curling up.

Blip-blip-blip-blip; the soft air bubbles went as they escaped from his nasal passage that was slightly emerged under the water again. The two-mother and son were now sleeping peacefully together.

Marla abruptly opened her eyes startled that she had drifted off into a sound sleep. She then slightly shook her head attempting to remember where she was and what she had been doing before.

"Aaaaaah" she gasped in fright at finding Jayden asleep and lying submerged under the waters. Sleepily she blinked and then blinked again attempting to get her bearings. Something wasn't right but she couldn't quite figure it out in her present mental state. Then suddenly

Time stopped and Marla was stuck in the moment. Jayden's lips were blue and his tiny body was limp, lifeless and without breath.

"JAYDEN!" She screamed in horror as what had happened slowly dawned on her. Jayden had slipped down out of her relaxed grip and was now limply lying in the water.

"JAYDEN! JAYDEN! Baby… baby… wake up… Wake up Jayden… Jayden… Jayden…" Frantically she screamed attempting to wake him up by shaking and tapping at his face.

"Ah…" She gasped being suddenly hit with an onslaught of helplessness. Marla suddenly became half crazed and hysterical at the idea that her son could be dead.

"Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! God Noooooooooooooooo…no… no… no… Jayden… Jayden… Oh God NO!" She screamed scooping him up and carrying him to the kitchen laying him upon the table. She immediately began CPR on her son after placing the 911 call.

Waiting for the paramedics to arrive she began breathing into his lungs and making gentle pressure taps upon his chest attempting to jumpstart his heart and breathe new life into his lifeless body. She covered his mouth and nose with her mouth and blew two big but short puffs of air into him watching for his chest to rise.

"One… two… three…" She then began the chest compression doing the count-off. She rotated between the breath of life and chest compression as she silently prayed.

"OH God! OH please oh please God help me now…" She heard herself repeating through a tear-streak face as she continued the CPR.

"Oh God! Help me, please oh God… Oh God…" she cried out as she literally was turned into a basket case trying to revive her son. She took a deep breath and then covered his mouth and nose again. His chest slight rose, but still he was not breathing on his own.

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