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Page 32

"No sense in making this an issue…" He said to himself as he filled out the check, signed it and enclosed it within the pre-addressed envelope. He then tore a stamp off a roll of stamps that he had on his desk.

"There, that's done." He said as he tucked the envelope in his briefcase so that he could mail it tomorrow.

"Hungry…" His wife asked interrupting his thoughts as she brought him a sandwich and a glass of juice. Jacob slipped the child support notice back into the envelope and then into a side drawer of his desk.

"Thanks sweetheart…" He said as she set his food on the desk and then she sat on the desk next to him.

"Kids sleeping?" He asked as he took a small bite from his roast beef sandwich.

"Mm, finally." She told him as she brushed at his hair using her hand. Jacob smiled and then laid a gentle hand on her thigh. Louise smiled knowingly at him.

"Should we go to bed now?" He innocently asked but was hinting at more.

"Don't you have to finish with that brief?" She returned knowing all too well what he was alluding to.

"Nice try Mrs. Ellis…" He teased his wife as he chewed on the sandwich. She giggled letting him know that she knew she had been caught trying to change the subject. She was afraid that this conversation would lead to… "Isn't it about time we seriously start trying to have a baby of our own?" Jacob asked again. He didn't miss her diverting her eyes. He knew she wanted to put the subject matter off again hoping that he would forget.

"Jacob, how can you think about having another baby? We've got two already? And you're just now beginning your career. What about all of those student loans? They've got to be paid back." She said bringing up valid arguments and trying to use them to distract him and change the subject. The truth of the matter was that she didn't want to have any more children. She got up off of his desk and put distance between the two of them by walking away, standing near the window.

"I know baby… And we'll take care of all of those things… I'm sure they're going to keep me on at the law firm." He argued back confidently as he took a sip. He was determined not to be so easily dissuaded. "I just want us to have more in common… be closer as a family- a baby would do that for us; honey." Abruptly he stood up and went over to his wife, embracing her within his arms. She leaned back into his warmth for support and smiled softly.

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