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February, 1985 Age 3

"Jayden made boom-boom?" Sleepily Marla encouraged as Jayden finished his business in the potty-chair. Potty training was more than a notion; especially since she had just worked the 12-hour graveyard shift at her job as a nurse for a local nursing home. Leaning against the wall she scooted downward to his level to help him take off his clothes and then put him in the tub to take his morning bath.

"Water… -Wa-ater… Wa-wa-ater," Excitedly he babbled in his baby talk as he saw his baby ring and bath toys already in the tub. Marla yawned-smiled at her son excitement as she grabbed him under his arms pulling him up with her. Holding him up face-level she planted a couple of wet smooches on his chubby cheeks.

"Mm-wa… Mm-wa… Mm-wa… Mommy's lil' baby…" She said to his delight as he giggled and cooed in her arms before sitting him down into the warm waters of the tub. She then attached the baby ring around his waist locking him in. It was attached to the tub with suctioning cups and would keep him upright preventing him from slipping down into the water and from drowning. Marla shuddered at the painful memory that had prompted her to buy the safeguard ring in the first place. Unwillingly her mind made a U-turn back to that time when Jayden was only six months old.

Marla closed her eyes again and suddenly she was back into the present. Thank God that at that time they were living in a crappy apartment and the tub had a few rust holes around the drain and the water had slowly seeped out. What would have happened if it had been more water and for a longer period of time? She pushed away those worse-case scenario thoughts and smiled down as she bathed her son. She didn't care how tired or sleepy she ever got; she would never allow herself five seconds of sleep in a situation like that again. She quickly washed Jayden and then promptly took him out of the tub, drying him off and preparing him for bed.

"Night-night June-bug…" She whispered lovingly as she kissed the top of his head and put him down for the night. She then made her way to her own room and crawled into the bed to catch a few hours of sleep.

* * * * * * *

Jacob sat at his desk in his office that was in their new five-bedroom, 3.5 baths, and 2.5attached garage split-level English Country house located in Dynasty Lake; a subdivision of Chicago. It was more house than he could have ever imagined with its extra large kitchen, a library and game room that he imagined that they would entertain guests in. They had been very blessed that they were able to buy this home that ordinarily was out of their price range. Thank goodness that Louise had a friend in the Real Estate business and had tipped her that this house was being foreclosed on and with only 10 percent down; they could start buying it for a little over $70,000 dollars. With the current interest rates being at an all time low, Jacob leapt at the opportunity. The house was valued at over $165,000 dollars. It was an opportunity of a lifetime.

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