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Man Up

Page 258

"Well it wasn't exactly out of the kindness of my heart. I did it for me." He told Jacob and he couldn't help but being curious about what that meant.

"How so?"

"I did it so that I wouldn't be like you; so that I could learn to love me. But the funny thing about that; in order for me to start loving me- I had to first start loving and accepting you for you were."

"Oh, so I guess that makes you the man huh?" His father responded still puffed up with pride.

"I've always wanted to know what kind of man you were and how did you live your life. An opportunity presented itself; and I took it… You know, growing up I used to long to spend time with my dad, playing ball, shooting hoops watching games; you know men stuff." Jayden explained and Jacob felt a tinge of remorse remembering all the times he had shared with Markus. It had never once occurred to him that while he was playing ball and bonding with Markus that his own son was somewhere wishing for him to do the same kinds of things with him.

"So I guess you wanna know why I couldn't be there for you?" Jacob asked.

"To be honest with you, it doesn't matter to me anymore… Maybe you feel a need to explain yourself. So if that's the case, feel free." Jacob was surprised by the young man who stood before him. This young man seemed somehow wiser than him and Jacob wondered if it was possible that he could learn something from the young man before him.

"It might sound like an excuse and maybe it is…" Mr. Ellis began.


"But at the time I couldn't please everybody… Even now I still can't… Ahem…"


"So I just decided that since I couldn't make everyone happy, then I would protect the ones that I could. So I chose my family."

"What," Jayden said in a quiet shock. "Am not I your family too? You couldn't protect me also?" He asked in a barely contained rage. The man Jacob Ellis had an uncanny ability to push Jayden's button. Jayden took a deep breath, willing himself to calm back down. He was not here to accuse and pass judgment against the man.

"At the time I didn't see it that way…" Jacob tried explaining as he swallowed against his dry throat.

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