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"Your honor she's lying!" The man adamantly proclaimed. Turning to the woman he gave her a look of disbelief huffing and puffing as he fumed at the idea that she could spout such nonsense. His face drew dark red as it twisted in tightly and his eyes turned menacingly at her. He dropped his glare down and then his head followed almost hitting the podium that he stood in front of. He shook his head back and fro as if he was having a nightmare in broad daylight.

"OH! MY GOD!" He slowly repeated over and over as he began banging his head against the podium and began stamping his feet again. His outward display of frustration drew a few satisfied snickers from the plaintiff as she watched in amusement. His fists then balled up and he began crashing it into the wooden stand as his head came back up. He shook it vehemently while boldly glaring at the woman with murder in his eyes. Her only response was that smirk of satisfaction from his frustration.

"How you can stand there and lie like that…" He said without realizing that he was talking out of turn. The woman didn't respond; her foot began tapping rapidly against the tiled flooring. She stood with her hand on her hip smirking at him like the cat that had swallowed the cheese. The man was unraveling and losing his cool.

"Bitch…" The man said under his breath but loud enough to be heard. She smirked even more, showing off her near perfect front teeth. The judge slammed his gavel down on its small square wooden block.

"Order! Order in court! Mr. Crowley one more outburst like that and I'll hold you in contempt." The judge declared before another shouting match erupted.

Exhaling loudly he made another plea by saying, "but your honor she's lying; she's lying man... Oh my God; she's lying…" He sounded as if he were on the verge of crying. The judge slammed that gavel down one more time.

"Enough…" He slightly raised his voice this time as he restored order back into his courtroom.

"Now that's the problem with not sending payments through our system or getting a receipt or using a money order…" The judge started explaining as he looked down at the defendant. "It boils down to your word against hers. Unless she corroborates your story or you have any supporting proof; then I don't have any other choice but to find you in arrears of child support payments of two-hundred dollars a month for the last eight months."

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