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Man Up

Page 231

"Do you know what time in the morning it is?" Mia complained when Jayden arrived back at her house eight o'clock that morning.

"You're the one who said that you wanted proof. Don't blame me." He snorted back as they drove down the street.

"Geez I didn't even get four hours of sleep last night… What about you?" She asked sleepily as she sat curled up in her seat with her head resting on a pillow pressed up against the window.

"I don't need but two… I'm a business man. I'm used to long work hours." He told her.

"Yea right." She snorted dismissively.

"For real… Ask Avery. Shoot, we used to sell juice and water when we were nothing but shorties. Had to be up before the rush hour commuters and then be back when they came home."


"Girl, I don't know why you always doubting me."

"I don't…" She said defensively.

"Yea right, everything I say I've got to prove it to you." Mia giggled at his words. He sounded like a little kid to her.

"I didn't say I didn't believe you… Just that you didn't strike me like that."

"Strike you like how?"

"You know… Serious minded, about the business… You always begging for pussy, excuse me… Pity pussy; interested?" She mimicked him and he laughed at her imitation of him.

"How can anyone take you seriously with that one-track mind of yours?" Jayden laughed at her. Hearing her saying that sounded funny to him and he surmised that he probably sounded funny to her too.

"Was it really like that?"

"Uh-huh… Just gimme some pity pussy…" She repeated while drawing on his puppy-dog face trying to get some sympathy. Jayden laughed again at her antics.

"Girl I don't be looking like that and saying it like that." He denied.

"That's what you think. Next time I'm going to have my recorder on from my phone. Gonna show you what you look like." She promised.

"Whatever…" He said dismissing her assertion as he pulled into the parking lot of the nursing home and parked the car.

"We're here c'mon." He told her as he unbuckled his seatbelt. Mia sat up and looked around.

"Nursing home…" she said with understanding. Could it be possible she wondered to herself.

"What's the matter? Looks like your face got crack…" Jayden teased her as they got out of the car and began walking to the building.

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