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Man Up

Page 216

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The next morning Mia woke up feeling refreshed as she prepared for her day. She was surprised that she had slept relatively well, not thinking about that dipstick-jerk named Jayden. Going downstairs, her father sat at the kitchen table finishing his coffee as he was getting ready to leave for work.

"Morning… What time did you get in dad?"

"I pulled a double. I got in almost two this morning. "

"Two and you're going back so soon? Daddy you're going to make yourself sick." Her father always was like this and she couldn't help but worrying about his health.

"Hey I'm used to it… Besides you know I always say make that money while you can."

"How did you sleep?" Mia asked with concern in her voice.

"Fine… just fine…" he said thinking about Jayden and his frantic calls last night. He couldn't help but secretly smiling to himself.

"How about you?" He asked.

"It was peaceful…" She said as she sat down after toasting her bread.

"Okay… guess I better get out of here. Have a good day…" He said as he got up and was about to leave.

"You too…"

"Thanks… Oh by the way…"


"I misplaced my cell phone, so I hope you don't mind that I'm borrowing yours today."

"No problem… I hardly ever use it anyway."

"Thanks sweetheart… love you."

"Love you too dad."

Skip walked out the house laughing to himself. That would teach that Duke to play with his daughter and try to take her for granted. He took Mia's cell phone out of his pocket and turned it on.

"Whreeeeeeeeeeeee…damn Duke" he whistled. "Fifty-two calls and forty-nine voicemails… hmm I guess you didn't get any sleep at all last night." Skip chuckled to himself as he drove off to the railroad yard and started his work day.

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Jayden had made up his mind that he wouldn't bring it up if Mia didn't bring it up. He had a PhD in playing it cool. He wasn't about to let some woman trick him into an accident. He was too smart for that.

"Morning Jay" Mia greeted in a dry voice. Jayden stared at her incredulously. She had a lot of gall to act like she had an attitude. Shouldn't it be reverse he thought as he opened up his own door to his shop.

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