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Man Up

Page 20

- 10:16 a.m.

Marla woke up in a haze feeling groggy from the anesthetic. She could barely make out the nurse assistant as she busied about taking Marla's vitals and recording them to her chart.

"My baby…" she whispered in a raucous voice getting the assistant's attention. The assistant was checking her IV bag. She looked over at Marla and offered her a smile.

"Ah you're finally awake… You want to see you baby, eh?" She asked with a slight smile as she wrote something down on her chart. Marla nodded her head.

"Give me a minute. I'll bring him in from the nursery." She informed Marla as she wrapped up her paperwork and returned everything to their proper place.

Soon the assistant arrived back pushing a small clear glass crib on rollers into Marla's room and next to her bedside. She then uncovered the baby's tiny wrist and checked the ID tags and then did the same to Marla. Seeing that everything matched she smiled.

"Okay mother, meet your son for the first time… Do you feel strong enough to hold him?" Marla nodded and then the nurse assistant cautiously passed her the baby. Marla looked down into his eyes and never had she seen a more beautiful sight. The tears that she had been holding back finally found the escape that had been searching for and they gently cascaded down her face. They were tears of happiness; she had birthed a beautiful and healthy baby boy.

- 10: 26 a.m.

Jacob Ellis and Louise Meriwether made their way out of the court building holding hands and smiling. They walked down the steps to the main landing of the outside courtyard with each of them holding a hand of Louise's two little ones, Markus her eldest son four-year old and her two-year old baby girl Dinah who were walking between them. Louise in her free hand carried a wedding bouquet made up of Baby's Breath Clouds, Palette Passion Roses sprinkled with some Purple Posies. The flowers' vibrant colors sparkled in the sunshine and blended well with her soft beige lacy beaded gown that she wore for the auspicious day. Jacob was dressed in a black and white tuxedo with tails and the two looked as if they belonged on a family wedding cake with the children wedged in-between.

"I'm hungry…" Markus exclaimed looking upward first at his mommy and then at his new daddy.

"Don't worry little man; we're going over to I-Hop to have a breakfast party." Jacob beamed back at his stepson.

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