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Who's the old guy with Mia" he finally got a chance to ask Avery. Avery hid a grin. He could tell by the tone of his voice that it was more than a passing curiosity on his part. He figured he would have a little fun with Jayden.


"About what?" Jayden tried pretending like he didn't know what Avery was insinuating. Avery smile grew broader.

"Mia didn't tell you who he was to her?"

"Didn't ask her."

"Then why ask me?" Avery continued talking in circles irritating Jayden. Jayden threw a glare at him before taking a deep breath and giving up with his line of questioning. He could see that his friend was only trying to annoy and make fun of him. He leaned back in his chair and watched for a few minutes. The old geezer's playing wasn't bad on the ears. He and Mia seemed to share some kind of bond; their playing harmonized well and Jayden noticed that neither of them could take their eyes off the other one.

First one of Jayden's legs began nervously involuntarily shaking. Then he began strumming his fingers against the table. He was becoming more and more annoyed with the lovebird eye exchange the two of them were making. Suddenly he noticed that the drum in-between the two of them was free. He was going to break up that secret eye exchanging and smiling stuff that they were doing. Before Jayden knew it he sat A.J. down in his own chair and then he was marching up on to the stage and beating on the drum in the middle.

"What the hell" Avery mumbled to Nita as they watched with amusement.

Mia was startled by his actions and looked at him curiously. Jayden ignored her and focused his attention and energy on Skip. He was determined to out show the old man up by out drumming him.

Skip saw the fire in his eyes and hid his smile. Finally the Duke was reacting upon his feelings for Mia. He was finally showing some emotions for someone else other than himself. Finally the Duke was recognizing that someone else may have an interest in Mia and that she just wasn't sitting around waiting for him to take notice of her. Skip smiled thinking about all the fun he was going to have pissing the Duke off. He wanted to see how much did he really care for Mia.

Skip up-ed his beating of the drum changing the tempo and the tone. Jayden was not going to be out done as he raised his beat playing up against the old geezer's beats. Mia became a little confused. The music was becoming chaotic and out of sync. The pacing was off. She looked at her father and then at Jayden. It was as if she weren't there. The two of them were glowering at each other having a staring down match. What the hack was going on she wondered as her own beating slowed down and eventually came to a stopped as she watched them. Their actions resembled a shootout that she had watched many times in one of her father's old west movies except the weapons of choice were drums instead of guns.

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