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Man Up

Page 187

"Up early…" Her father Skip observed as he was already dressed and preparing for work.

"Going jogging" she told him as she grabbed a juice from the fridge.

"Something bothering you?"

"Nooo…" she whined like her former six year old self. Her father looked up from his paper grinning at her.

"You know he's not worth it. If he won't come to meet me he's full of shit." He said taking a sip of coffee from his coffee mug. His daughter was always in a bad mood when a guy that she was really into dumped her for not giving him sex. He shook his head feeling sorry for Mia. He knew the nature of men and that men could be harsh and unbearable in putting unnecessary pressure on women for sex. He knew it well; after all he had done it himself.

That instant satisfaction had cost him his youth and propelled him into fatherhood at the tender age of sixteen. Unprepared for his new sudden role of fatherhood but refusing to abandon his unborn child like his own father had done him, Skip left school and went off to work to support Mia's mom and his soon-to-be born child. They struggled hard with him working a number of low paying fast food, retail and telemarketing jobs for a number of years. He worked anywhere he could, just so long as the work was legal. One day he got a break when a man got on the public bus passing out information about jobs. Skip took the leaflet and went down to meet with the organizers. They helped him to get his G.E.D and then put in a good word at the local trucking rail road yard. He got the interview and passed the drug test, background check and physical exam. That was twenty years ago and Skip considered himself blessed to have found a steady work with good healthcare and retirement benefits.

Skip smiled at his daughter. He was not about to let the same thing happen to his daughter. He had raised his daughter instilling in her not to let men use her for their sexual toys. If she wanted men to respect her, she must carry herself in a manner that demanded respect from them. That meant she had to respect herself first and not let men use and abuse her for their own purposes. If a man was serious and truly interested in her, then sex was something that he would be willing to wait for.

"Daddy… it's nothing…" She said sitting down across from him. He folded up his newspaper and set it down to the side of his cup of coffee. He looked at his daughter. She had not changed in her twenty-three years. She still pouted when she couldn't have her way and exercise was a way of escaping away.

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