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Man Up

Page 185

'There's some slight bruising in the rectal area… and looks like you've got some crab eggs about to hatch down here…' the doctor's words cruised back through his mind making him close his eyes in embarrassment of having to explain what the bruising was from. He had been horrified to learn that being with that trick he had contracted crabs. No wonder he had an itch that he didn't seemed to be able to get rid of. However, if that wasn't enough, that discovery led to another string of embarrassing questions.

'Any foreign objects inserted in your rectum?'

'Any live animals inserted in your rectum?'

'Any bloodiness noticed when you wipe there recently?'

It felt weird to have a man touching, probing and checking out his genitals on a close and almost personal basis. However the prostate examine was truly the test that had him wondering if he should have asked for dinner first. But Jayden had to admit that he felt blessed to come out of that experience with only a bad case of crabs so far. Just thinking about how promiscuous he had been with his sexual behavior, he was more than a little concern with the results of the HIV test. Maybe Mia's suggestion of being abstinent for a brief period of time was what he needed. Maybe he did need to stop and reevaluate his sexual practices. At least there was a cure for crabs, but what if he was HIV positive? Jayden didn't want to think that far ahead o himself; if he did he wouldn't be able to sleep, eat or live for all of the stress from worrying. After putting on his clothes, Jayden promptly got into his car and proceeded home to take another Epsom salt bath in hot and steamy water. For the second time that week, he felt violated.

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